Who's To Blame?

Interesting little tid-bit for ya on this. CNN actually shows a 41% approval rating, as do most other "legit" polls. Washington Times is the only one understating at 37%. Regardless, Bush was at less than 20% approval at this point in his presidency. And that poor shmuck did it all on his own. I would say the Republican party is certainly much to blame for the nations current affairs and the president's approval rating. So kudos to you guys! Job well done making the country into shambles and ever increasing the complete distaste of politics in the general public.
Yes, the Republicans are to blame for Obama's low approval rating...lol... I doubt Bush's approval rating ever fell to 20%, so I'm going to have to ask you to cite that or I will assume you are a liar.
Imagine the possibilities if the Republicans actually decided to work together rather than spend all OUR tax dollars on trying to ruin this presidency and drive the country downward. C'mon bro; think.
Imagine the possibilities if the Democrats actually decided to work together rather than spend all OUR tax dollars on trying to ruin the country and lie about this presidency upward. C'mon bro; think.
echelon1k1. you remind me of my little brother. i remember he used to follow me around and repeat things i would say to others. he thought he was the coolest thing ever. he didn't get laid until he was 17. poor fella.
Actually, he was nailing your girlfriend behind your back long before that. Poor fella (you).
Rand Paul would be the man for this job. Eliminate Federal Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Dept of Education, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Department of Energy. What do any of these places do anyway? The States are largely responsible for most of these things. State parks are patrolled by state environmental police, energy is regulated locally, education is always a local concern, local cops have a vice squad. Why are we wasting all this money for no reason? And UB why do you like Chris Christie? Because he's a Democrat from New Jersey?
NO, no. Do NOT eliminate the Department of Energy. They pay me a lot of money. I don't go around trying to shut down your employer, do I?
Yes, the Republicans are to blame for Obama's low approval rating...lol... I doubt Bush's approval rating ever fell to 20%, so I'm going to have to ask you to cite that or I will assume you are a liar.

Can you imagine what Obama's approval would be if the media was not operating as an arm of the Executive Branch?

Bush's approval never fell to 20% Remember when Bush hit 36%? You may have heard the montage...

CNN: The Situation Room '
Wolf Blitzer
The transcript:
It's 4 p.m. here in Washington. So you're getting the first look right now at our brand-new poll. The president's job approval rating has taken a downward turn again, falling to only 36%. [break] This represents his lowest rating ever in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. [break] The president's poll numbers are pretty bad, pretty awful right now, rock bottom as far as the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. [break] The president's Iraq problem and his new low point in the polls. [break] His approval and policies now are at new lows. [break] The president's job approval number in this new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, rock bottom, the lowest it's ever been. [break] It's 5 p.m. here in Washington where President Bush takes a beating in our latest poll. His approval rating at a low ebb. [break] Our latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll just out in the past hour shows the president at an all-time low. [break] His job approval rating at a new low. [break] That's rock bottom as far as our poll is concerned. [break] It's 7 p.m. here in Washington. The war in Iraq comes home to roost for President Bush. Our latest poll numbers showing his approval rating at a new low. [break] Also: President Bush hits a new low in the polls. [break] Now back to our lead story: President Bush's approval rating now at an all-time low. [break] As we noted, a new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows his job approval rating at a new low. [break] President Bush's approval rating at a new low, 36%.

Are there going to be any hours-long Special Reports from NBC, ABC, CNN on Obama's approval rating falling to a new low?! I don't think so.
NO, no. Do NOT eliminate the Department of Energy. They pay me a lot of money. I don't go around trying to shut down your employer, do I?

I'm self employed so that would be impossible. LOL

You don't need to work for Energy. I'm sure it pays well but if you're skilled enough there will be more opportunities for you after these cuts are made, not fewer.
I'm self employed so that would be impossible. LOL You don't need to work for Energy. I'm sure it pays well but if you're skilled enough there will be more opportunities for you after these cuts are made, not fewer.
Yeah, but they'll want me to actually work, something I do very little of now. Private sector doesn't have near the benefits, either. I may take all of December off with pay this year.
Can you imagine what Obama's approval would be if the media was not operating as an arm of the Executive Branch?


Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles, it was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA. The organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA's views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts. As it developed, it also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns, in addition to activities by other operating units of the CIA.

we had another member pointlessly spam about this, apropos to nothing.

just to give you a little idea about what he was like, he was a huge opponent of civil rights, joined white supremacy groups, called the president an "affirmative action" president baselessly, and like you, was a big fan of the rawn and rend pawl clan.

so did you have a point to your post? because to me it seemed pointless.

Don't let someone swing on you. Eyeball these punks as they pass. If they ask you something, step back and guard your face.

I had one incident, a few months ago. I was out walking my dogs and coming up the cross through alley, was a hoodie. He saw me turn into the alley and stepped into the middle and stopped, with his arms crossed.

Well, instead of whatever reaction he wanted to provoke, (probably to scare me into the 1 mile around, long way) I had a Ben Hur moment and ordered ramming speed. The dogs went to battle stations, one each side.

I accelerated into a heavy, fast walk and got a vicious headbutt into my mind muscles. Then I stared at his throat and picked up a bit more speed, put a evil look on my face, etc. He stepped aside at the last second, but I sweep passed, 1/2 turned toward him, still staring at him. (You have the assume the cheap shot is coming.) I kept listening for the footsteps, checking with the dogs and not looking back.

But, I figured he had continued on. And then at the end of the alley, after I cleared, I peeked back. If he was gone, maybe I was exaggerating to myself.

Nope, he had stepped back out in the middle again and was looking at me. So, I saluted with a rude gesture.

You do not want to be clocked like that. It has killed 4 people already.

No way a gun can help you here.