Who's the most beautiful …..What is your "type?"

have you ever seen cameron diaz sans makeup?? holy bejesus, she's got god awful skin.. i'd be afraid to slpuge on her face and find the horror that lies underneath, lol..
Yeah I went looking for images for this thread and found all my best hoes are pretty ghastly sometimes.
have you ever seen cameron diaz sans makeup?? holy bejesus, she's got god awful skin.. i'd be afraid to slpuge on her face and find the horror that lies underneath, lol..

I'm guessing most celebrities have regular flaws by t have. More$$ to fix or conceal them.
I'm guessing most celebrities have regular flaws by t have. More$$ to fix or conceal them.

yeah, very true.. it's just a sin imo, that they make themselves up to be something that sans makeup, they're not.. idk, i just tend to prefer more natural beauty in my women.
my ex would jump out of the shower, hair soaking wet, not a lick of makeup and she'd look great imvho.. i also don't tend to go for that fake, pawn star look in my porn either.. just not my cup of tea.. i prefer au natural like i said..
I think its all about the smile if it touches the eyes your good to g
She is a beauty 420! Looks like she is a sweet person too. Warm eyes.
I agree as long as the smile touches the eyes then the heart as not been encapsulated in ice yet...ie

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