Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol thats funny stuff some need to read up on what they state first
Required? By whom? He is The President. If it were a requirement, like you claim, how did he get elected?I keep seeing the copy. I'm sorry, but the original is a requirement for the Presidency of the United States. There is an original. Produce it.
Jrh, back to your logic problems again...![]()
You have accepted that Obama was born here, ergo he is a citizen. I have not accepted this. Obama's mother was NOT a US Citizen, so the rest of your mish mash falls away.
Let's see the Columbia admissions form and let's see a bona fide original birth certificate. Let's stop the evasion and put it out there.
C'mon BARRY!!!
Ugh ...this pointless, classless rant makes me wish that voting were an earned privilege, rather than a Constitutional right.whats up with obama getting foreign student aid from a american university? what is it with obamas grandma saying obama was born in the villiage and she was there when the birth took place?
im sure its a conspiracy theory obama wont release any.ANY OF HIS COLLEGE RECORDS .
those sneaky republicans were telling obamas grandma what to say in the interveiw ..sneaky fucks.
barrack hussien obama was born in kenya to a kenyan tribesman and a white whore of a mother.( have seen the porno picks)
then he was adopted by a indonesian man his white whore of a mother was fucking.obama was a citizen of indonesia when he attended university in the USA. oxidental and columbia. he was recieving foreign aid for being from another country and not a US citizen..if he was a US citizen then he probably would have had to pay his own way..but is is my understanding his university degrees might have been funded by a radical muslim group.
this manchurian candidate has been very clever up to now trying to hide his records..but that will come to a end soon.
There's a third option: he's unconcerned (like the rest of the country) what right wing zealots have to say regarding foolish conspiracy theories.It would take 15 minutes to produce a hospital issued birth certificate that would end all doubt or question.. Your telling me he would rather spend years defending this, making speeches, having groups attack his name then just spend 15 minutes and issue it with a quick statement and move on? So either he can't or his is just the stupidest man on earth take your pick
So, how do you know all these things, who voted and who's lazy? Are you a certified clairvoyant, or are you just a tired ass right wing psycho. Believe me, I voted and screamed plenty about that psycho Neo-Con Bush. The "non-educated, non-voting" people had had it with Neo-con run-away right wing politics, and came out of the proverbial woodwork to throw the bums out. My hope is that once activated, these same people will continue to vote and keep right wing war-mongers out of national politics for a long long time, You're welcome.see jrh your what is wrong with america. Your one of the lazy ones who just takes what he is given and does not stand or use his rights as a citizen to speak freely or opose the wrongs we are given from our governemnet. You would be the one sitting in his chair if we wer invaded saying" Why should I fight we are getting taken over anyways"...What did you do to show your dissatisfaction in the Bush vote? Did you speak aginst Bush during his years or just say well guess I have to like it? I am not talking of doing anything personal to Obama yeah he was elected by people who never voted, didnt care to vote, and had no idea of his political past or his platform stance. basically the uneducated non voting part of society who just wanted someone to give them things for nothing. Now on your accusation of a stolen presidency. Can you please let me know exactly how that was done by Bush himself or would you care to rephrase that statement to be specific and not a blanket statement put on Bush? Are you one of the people who also accused Bush of making Katrina to get rid of the poor and black population in New Orleans as thats a great one too. The man the dems called an idiot can control mother nature with pin point accuracy...
I guess you didn't read the fine print. Look closely on the bottom of the birth certificate and concede your idiotic ramblings.That isn't a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, its a certificate of live birth. If you look it up you will find they are 2 very different things. Anyone can get a certificate of live birth, you only need a few witnesses and a Notary. A Birth Certificate is rendered upon the baby's birth and is the contract between the state and the person, Birth certificates are legal contracts setting the state up as a persons benefactor. There are the parents signatures giving control of the child to the state with stated surnames which deems it a contract.
There is one more piece of damnable evidence to Obama's US citizenship claim. In 1981 he went on a college trip to Pakistan ( ) by his own admission. Just one thing wrong with that, in 1981 the state department had a travel ban to Pakistan because of the nuclear armament thing during the Carter years. SO if Obama really was a US citizen, then he wouldn't have been allowed to travel there. BUT if he were a citizen of say INDONESIA, he would have been allowed. Facts show he was allowed to go, so he must not have been a US citizen at the time, cuz to be president you must not only BE a citizen, but you must have been BORN here also. Arnold Shwarzenegger is a US citizen, but he cannot ever be president.
Thats about as much as I know, I realize there is a huge stink about the whole thing, but considering how much the US Constitution has been shit on it sure doesn't surprise me that it could happen.
You keep saying that and I keep asking for proof. Round and round we go!Yah, he has spent over a million bucks because he is .... unconcerned.
I say, give him some more time. If we don't get a public option out of the medical quagmire, we'll know we've been had. Changing the private sector will be like putting lipstick on the proverbial pig.its not that i'm sick of him its that he's SOOO dam overrated i did vote for him only because mccain creeps the hell out of me, just something about that guy doesnt sit right with me. But i digress, ok yes he is black that is a big change in the line up BUT lets not forget he is the first hawaiian president either. and again he like many other president(not all) is going back on what he basically preached during is campain...dillhole
Truer words have never been spoken. Good thing you don't understand "proverbs", too.Changing the private sector will be like putting lipstick on the proverbial pig.
I'm a Viet Nam vet, hence the true single payer medical, But, I also have teamsters retirement medical and medicare now, so I'm pretty well covered. When you read my posts about health care, rest assured it is not about me, but about all those un-insured and underinsured that are getting fucked each and every day by the greedy fuck insurance companies and HMOs.Truer words have never been spoken. Good thing you don't understand "proverbs", too.
PS- You frequently comment on your advanced age. Who managed to keep you alive, thus far? Single payer health care? Or have you just always been in perfect health?
If people are uninsured, how can the insurance companies be to blame?I'm a Viet Nam vet, hence the true single payer medical, But, I also have teamsters retirement medical and medicare now, so I'm pretty well covered. When you read my posts about health care, rest assured it is not about me, but about all those un-insured and underinsured that are getting fucked each and every day by the greedy fuck insurance companies and HMOs.