so it's you?Sorry to bore you, lol.

so it's you?Sorry to bore you, lol.
Obama thanks you for your support and your ability to be rational and level headed.Screw republicans...screw them like they screwed this country. So now that tables have turned all you right wing dicks are unhappy....Cry me a river, it has only been a few months....OH WHATS WRONG IS MR.CONSERVATIVE'S WORLD IS CHANGING... I really give a rats ass to what any of you haters think, you would be complaining no matter who is in charge. Why don't you all move to texas, and form your own country, but wait no matter what you would be unhappy with what is going on, no pleasing you. You are the type of people who sit there and cry on your asses all day and don't do shit to improve anything. Like I said I don't really give a fuck what replies I get from this, Im not reading them. I just want to put it out there that you are only going to be happy when, oh wait you will never be happy no matter what. Oh and you are talking politics on a Marijuana website (which is suprising to me how many republicans are on here, knowing they support a group that hates people/tokers like yourself),so where does your opinon matter? You may get a couple of people on here who will march lock step with you, and they will type responses, post youtube crap, and flood me with messages, but really your word is as important as fox news is fair and balanced (It just isn't) Anyways I will leave you with what so many right wingers told people who didn't support Bush. WHAT ARE YOU UN-AMERICAN?!?! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! Now you can return your attetion back to the 700 Club, and Rush Limbaugh's news letter.
HAHA!Now you all know why the dem's keep the publik skool system is such disarray, it's where they draw their voters from. Wouldn't want them to actually understand what is going on.....
By whom? Who is able to singlehandedly control the curriculum and pedagogy of millions of teachers? I understand that state-based minimum curriculum can be mandated by boards and what not, but in the classroom, how is it that teachers are controlled?The publik skool systems are kept in a miserable state ON PURPOSE.
Oh I agree that our education system is SHIT - absolute SHIT! And it's certainly true that curriculum does control what is taught.Teachers are controlled by the curriculum. Step away from the prescribed manual and see what happens. The Board of Education is very left of center and has been for too long.
What would happen if we adopted the Japanese model instead of the Gulag method? How about actually making economics a mandatory subject for at least three years before graduating high school? If you keep a large segment of the citizens under educated, they make for good drones. It's a way of building a caste system, which the democrats seem to prefer. The dem's have basically been in charge for the last 40 years, and this is where we are today. It's been one long road of failure, and certainly our skool systems are dropping lower and lower. As long as we lower the standards, no one will mind right?
I mind.
"That being said, I merely want to elaborate my point that our education system in America is absolutely ridiculous. I agree wholeheartedly and I do think an environment of complacency has been UNIONIZED."Oh I agree that our education system is SHIT - absolute SHIT! And it's certainly true that curriculum does control what is taught.
BUT - individual teachers can inspire students to look beyond this bullshit and to think for themselves. Individual teachers can point students in directions not guided by curriculum. So ultimately I think you underestimate what teachers can do and how pedagogy can work around a system designed to fail.
Fair enough - I dislike unions. I think they're an antiquated force whose purpose is wholly negative in today's age. Non-union parochial schools tend to perform better and I think the 'non-union' aspect is largely why."That being said, I merely want to elaborate my point that our education system in America is absolutely ridiculous. I agree wholeheartedly and I do think an environment of complacency has been UNIONIZED."
my kid appreciates being around others. i see no reason to lock him up at home.Then let's just keep them all home.......