Who's got the MUNCHIES?????

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Today I made homemade from scratch Cinnamon Buns….. simple to make and awesome munchie food.

Assemble ingredients…

Mix it up…..

Let dough rise till double in size

Roll it out

Butter it up

Add Brown sugar

Add Cinnamon

Lastly…. chopped pecans and raisins


Proof in the oven then bake (pic is after proof, before bake)

When they come out of the oven … frost em up.

Finally….. take a few bong hits bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie and wait for the munchies to set in….. YYYYUUUUUUMMMMMMYYYYY!!!!!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
holy fuck..i just drolled on the keyboard
i like to cook..i've never made any cinnamon buns
will you enjoy one of those just for me?


Well-Known Member
I'd move to Florida to marry this bitch, sign a pre-nup, and divorce her to take half her cinammon buns...

Bun Bump


Well-Known Member
Jar of peanut butter and a spoon. I'm set. If you wanna get fancy spread that peanut butter on dill pickles. Oh I'm in heaven right now.