More than patience is needed, but it's a good place to start. The real key is learning the plant developing your green thumb and learning as much as you can, while at the same time keeping it simple, Imo the biggest part to great bids and big yield is having a plan, time tested, and sticking to it. Most people use methods all ready others make their own and learn from mistakes. Those who make their own imo end up growing the best pot, despite the learning curve(in reference to quality and quantity)I Wish I Had Sum Sparkling Buds like u guyz.I have 9 frickin seedlings (no bud in sight on them!!)
Oh and if your doing right, really read up on you method of growing, you can have those plants under 12/12 in 3weeks from popping, and pull a zip a plant if doing it right under the right light, with the right strain. Key for yield is either in numbers or veg time. I like numbers others like veg time. I only veg for 600w and above setups. Maybe 2-3 weeks. Then the 6-10 week wait just for depends on various factors. So 3 months you can have some bud, not that long if you ask me, and if you can get some clones from a mature plant, things can be even n faster
Fkn beauty!
I can't believe no one over here is growing GG#4, or posting pics of her...