Whos got problems with Christ?

We Love 1

New Member
I don't have anything against people worshiping Christianity. If the Christians would just go off amongst themselves and worship amongst themselves and mind their own business there would be no problem. But, unfortunately, that just simply is not the reality

I know, wouldn't that be great living in Paradise with Jesus!




Well-Known Member
I have a problem with Christ, but no problem with believers in Christ.

My problem with Christ is if he does exist, I consider him the most dispicable person or "thing" i could ever imagine. For all the horrendous things he allows to happen, even if he did exist i would hate him for this reason.

His bribes of heavan and threats of hell might make me pretend I liked him out of fear, but i would know in my heart that he is a terrible thing for creating unspeakable suffering.

For this reason alone I know for a fact that he does not exist, because if he did he would an be evil god for allowing the suffering,

if he was truly all poweful and good then he would not have allowed this suffering. I know my god would not have. at least the one I used to believe in.

sombody is lieing.

simple really


I have a problem with believers too though. They're too stupid to live in the 21st century.


Well-Known Member
watch part one of the film zeitgeist if you want to know a bit more about the whats and why of religion, there is nobody here that can say it did not blow their mind. watch it on youtube, late.

and just a not, who here doesn't like Christmas presents?

We Love 1

New Member
What makes me sad is the people who stand in judgment of others because of their belief or position in life. It is not my right or my position to judge anyone.... Just to be the best person I can be.
Yes, you are right... Jesus wasn't afraid to go against the grain to teach a lesson. He accepted people who were not accepted in the community.... the tax collector, the prostitute etc. He didn't care.
I feel people should look in the mirror and be happy with who they are and stop judging everyone else. The people who don't do this... are usually the ones striking out against everyone else. Maybe the mirror is too hard to look into so they try to point out everyone's problem to take attention away from them and their problems.

Sad thing....
Yes Sir!:clap:







Well-Known Member
My anger with believers is how they have impacted my rights and freedoms and how judgemental they are that they appear to believe the have the right to control what others do with their own lives.

Maybe if you people weren't such judgemental two faced controlling assholes and just minded your own god damned business I wouldn't be all pissed off about it all.

I could care less what you believe in if it didn't directly affect me as it currently does. Has fuck all to do with how I feel about myself.

We Love 1

New Member
First off Ron Paul is frikin' Awesome don't be hatin'. And also JC owned and he didn't hate either. Religion is like people telling me what to fuckin' do I hate that shit. Especially when they make it a fuckin' law. Fuck that. I am drunk!! and Ron Paul is the Bomb. Oh yeah and he is no relation to Rue Paul or whatever. Medicine man If your wife can find a good church its all good bro. cause those can be some kick ass people. Ron paul haters need to suck it!!!

Totalitarianism be it Commy or nazi is bad, nuff said.

I feel the same way! People are hating too much!

The goodness is going to take over.

Jesus said there is only one way to eternal life.
Its True!

Jesus will save Us!



Well-Known Member
My anger with believers is how they have impacted my rights and freedoms and how judgemental they are that they appear to believe the have the right to control what others do with their own lives.

Maybe if you people weren't such judgemental two faced controlling assholes and just minded your own god damned business I wouldn't be all pissed off about it all.

I could care less what you believe in if it didn't directly affect me as it currently does. Has fuck all to do with how I feel about myself.

i feel for you,come join me and my army,for i will set u free...



Well-Known Member
My anger with believers is how they have impacted my rights and freedoms and how judgemental they are that they appear to believe the have the right to control what others do with their own lives.

Maybe if you people weren't such judgemental two faced controlling assholes and just minded your own god damned business I wouldn't be all pissed off about it all.

I could care less what you believe in if it didn't directly affect me as it currently does. Has fuck all to do with how I feel about myself.
Not one response to this from the bible thumpers? Am I to take that as you understand my frustration and just don't have any argument against it?