Man that sucks so bad. There are so many really BAD, EVIL people out doing so many rotten things yet they want to use their resources to catch and jail potheads; that's just damn stupid. Just because something is against the law doesn't mean it's right and just because something is legal doesn't mean it's "ok". Just a little over a hundred years ago our Government was paying bounties to KILL Native Americans on sight!! That wasn't just "legal"; it was government funded murder. Was it right?
Ya man, my family tree was wiped out for those bounties on Shoshone (Bear River Massacre) in the West. In Denver people use to clip Native Americans ears and genitals to their clothes to parade through the streets. It's still illegal for us to leave our "wasteland reservations, " altho every1 knows that some simply racist BS/ethnic cleansing. SICK FUKS!
Nice protection our gov't has given us from drugs, huh? No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are jackasses, just look at our system.... we can shoot a burglar and get sued or even arrested for it,
correct the whole world does think your system is a joke.pretty sure i saw on the news a few years back some Pigbitch spilt hot coffee on her snatch then sued McDonalds haha and then theres the whole burglars sueing the victims for hurting themselves in your on homes..
Burgular cant sue if he has a weapon or outwieghs you by the 50lb rule. Your allowed to fight back with a weapon if your outwieghed by 50lbs. Say some fat 240lb slob attacks you outside a bar while your rifling through your trunk and your like me, an in shape 5.5ft tall 160lb man. You take that tire iron and subdue that mofo. Totally legal.