Well-Known Member
So I have this plant that was doing amazing then all of a sudden started to break down. Bad but the worse thing is she decided to do this days before flower. Now this is a week later and three days into flower. The plant is yellowing but it does not seem to be subjected to one part of the plant yellowing is throughout the whole plant.
pH is 6.6
PPM 690 *originally was 1950 nothing was wrong with her but I decided to check the run off next time I fed her. Once I did that my run off was nearly 2000 I freaked and lowered it to 500 that's when all my problems began the leaves started fading in color. So next feeding I boosted it to 1200 but no difference plants continued to go from fade green to yellow. So I lowered from 1200 to 690 but no positive changes.
Medium some Soil triple mix from hydro store
Watering Only when bone dry
Lighting 480w of LEDS
Nutrients Jungle juices version of the Lucus formula, Grozyme, Aquashield, superthrive, magical, and pyro clay.
Temp 70 min 80 max usually 75f
Air flow dyson type vertical fan on eco setting simulates natural wind fluctuations in power
RH 50 - 70 depending on day if its raining out or I just watered my RH peaks
Plant age 2 months been topped
Water tap water filtered to 000 tds
Anything else needed let me know..
Thought I had fungus gnats.. searched the first inch of soil placed a potato slice on my soil and even removed my plant from the pot and examined the roots (without disturbing the root ball) and no sign of larvae. I saw what I believe was a fungas gnat flying in my closet. Looked like a mosquito a little smaller but had no needle nose. I check my box twice a day min and that was the first time I had seen it. Needless to say a squashed it. I think it was a rouge gnat that got into my place and I killed it. Plus it couldn't mate on its own. Anyways I am stumped on what is causing my plant to start dying.
Here are some photos:
Okay, there are so many things wrong here. First, stop listening to the guy at the hydro shop and do your own research. Plants aren't that complicated, but hydro shops thrive off making it seem complicated.
You do NOT and should not be using 2000 PPM or anything even remotely close to 2000 PPM in soil. I've never even exceeded 700 PPM in passive water to waste hydro and my plants remain healthy. Whatever the bottle recommends, you should cut it down by 25%. They're trying to sell nutrients and they sell more by recommending a high dose which all too many people end up doing at the detriment of their grow.
Feeding too much will cause what you have which appears to be nutrient burn and nutrient lockout. You can not saturate the roots with that amount of chemical derived synthetic nutrient salts without severe repercussions as you are experiencing now.
Are you rotating water and nutrient cycles? Water, nutes, water, nutes? Or What I use to do was water, water, nutes, water, water, nutes. That way you don't have a build up of nutrient salts thereby avoiding the problems you're currently experiencing.
The plant needs the elements that are in those nutrient bottles, but the plant does not like the salt buildup that those synthetic nutrients come with. It's simply not natural and the plant has no way to deal with that. When do you think was the last time a plant in the wild (on land), which has developed for hundreds of millions of years through the process of evolution, experienced or evolved to deal with excessive synthetic nutrient salts in the root zone?
Plants will accept and use the mineral elements in a bottle of synthetic nutrients, but you must be careful to keep the root zone happy. Happy roots make happy stems and leaves which make happy flowers. All of those things have to be happy to produce a positive end result.
You could also simply reduce your nutrient concentration down to a low level and give nutrients every time you water. It's however you wanna spin the bottle my friend. Just don't give the plants too much of what they don't want or need. If you do, you'll get what you're experiencing now. Every time I go to my hydro shop, the clerks absolutely terrify the shit out of me in knowing how much money they drain from people that simply don't know the fundamentals of what makes a plant grow when I hear them draining another uninformed wallet.
On another side note, that's some nice tight node structure you have there. Good job on the topping. Dial in your nutrients and you'll be in like flynn.
Nutrient salt buildup / nutrient burn is the number 1 reason for plant problems on this forum. Number 2 would be pest problems.
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