Whoever says "Flushing is a myth" needs curb stomped repeatedly.

Nasty hydro growers, overfilling your plants with little synthetic nitrate Lego blocks and calling it "growth". Get that shit out of there!

The blood flow to your brains have been cut off, thanks to the nitrates in your synthetic 3D printer bud, you need to be put down before anyone else smokes something you grew. You dont know you're brain is fucked, and the Monsanto partners arent helping curecure your delusion one bit.

Im about 2 steps away from setting fire to these Monsanto printer ops. Printing out that fake weed that taste like rubber fishing lures.. Nevermind the rotted limbs and Alzheimers from the nitrates that cut off your blood flow.

Do you know why stomach cancer was the number one cancer before refrigerators? Nitrate preservatives. Enjoy your lung blood and brain cancer, sterile growers. But try to sell that shit to my family and you're taking an even earlier exit.

Sterile growers, you are pawns in a con against nature, against Earth, and against humanity. You ARE our enemies. Us with souls, us natural, real authentic food eating humans that is. Stick your fucking plastic plant vitamins up your butt and quit eating food if you believe in synthetics so much. I dare you. There is literally no difference between how the stomach works, and how the root works. Skipping this process is POISONING THE BODY,and creating UNNATURAL, SYNTHETIC NITRATE FILLED CELLS.

Your stomach is no different than a root except its inside out. If you growstore obsessed people could get it through your fucking heads that REAL science spans everything, that the rules don't change for Cannabis, you MIGHT actually taste an authentic, skunky Cannabis plant for the first time. No Skunk flavored sweetener will help you.. No fuckin bottle of pine sol juice will treat your soul. Grow a natural, authentic plant. Then and only then will you understand why Cannabis is important to humans, after the blood begins returning to your brain and the authentic Cannabis kicks in.

Growing and smoking sterile bullshit, you have literally ZERO grasp on why Cannabis is important to humans. You have stumbled into a placebo market of self torturing self loathing placebo people. I suppose that's why you're so happy with the current arrangement? You plastic Tares gotta stick together in your fantasy land of pretend terpenes and imaginary nonexistent bioflavinoids you swear are in your plant.. Us Wheat can see right through the plastic veneer. Intelligence scares you. Reality terrifies you. Nature makes your bones quake. Because it has no boss. No ruler. No Big Mike to fondle you. What a bunch of sickos the sterile hydro cult is. Literally less than 50% human, they've put so much plastic weed in their bloodstream.

Keep smoking on them vinyl floors. That grocery sack weed. Melted Styrofoam tasting bullshit. You'll get what you deserve once the lawsuits start piling in, if you even survive that long, smoking the glittery fishing lure tasting bud you con artist pawns produce for Bayer-Monsanto, the human hating nature killing perpetual sickness machine you all work for.
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You realize you just gave fishing a bad name right :(.
I like fishing so I'll avoid that term. I'm new to chat rooms. RIU is my 1st and I am starting to figure out how to communicate better, and learning about trolls. I honestly thought when I referred to it as fishing that it made sense to me, like trolling with fishing lines.
I also am just realizing that I chat poorly and need to adjust the way I do it.
When emotional or messing with someone, I will switch from being sarcastic in one paragraph to the person I'm messing with, then in the next paragraph I'll be serious and be speaking to the others, then in the 3rd paragraph I'll be back to messing with the original guy making it difficult for others to read if they don't know where my mind is at.
I'm working on that.
I like fishing so I'll avoid that term. I'm new to chat rooms. RIU is my 1st and I am starting to figure out how to communicate better, and learning about trolls. I honestly thought when I referred to it as fishing that it made sense to me, like trolling with fishing lines.
I also am just realizing that I chat poorly and need to adjust the way I do it.
When emotional or messing with someone, I will switch from being sarcastic in one paragraph to the person I'm messing with, then in the next paragraph I'll be serious and be speaking to the others, then in the 3rd paragraph I'll be back to messing with the original guy making it difficult for others to read if they don't know where my mind is at.
I'm working on that.
I was kidding lol. Analogies are fine lol.
is it a requirement for hippies to be dirty? or is it just part of the image?
do they really shower nightly, and put on clean clothes, then put the embroidered jeans and the tie-dyed grateful dead shirt back on the next morning? are those dreadlocks really extensions? do they all have 401K programs?
how much do we really know about hippies? most of the information we have is from the 60s, and was probably compiled by people who were on acid anyway.
i say we need to put them on preserves, where they can be studied. sure, we'll need to dissect some of them, maybe even vivisect a few, but it's all in the name of science, right?
is it a requirement for hippies to be dirty? or is it just part of the image?
do they really shower nightly, and put on clean clothes, then put the embroidered jeans and the tie-dyed grateful dead shirt back on the next morning? are those dreadlocks really extensions? do they all have 401K programs?
how much do we really know about hippies? most of the information we have is from the 60s, and was probably compiled by people who were on acid anyway.
i say we need to put them on preserves, where they can be studied. sure, we'll need to dissect some of them, maybe even vivisect a few, but it's all in the name of science, right?
I was more talking dirty fingernails from all the soil......but sure....in the name of science ;).