Whoever it is handing me bad reps needs to....


Well-Known Member
I don't really think it requires a Mods assistance. Just don't look at it if it bothers you that bad. Better yet, laugh at it.:D Seriously...its not good to worry over something that small. I got one because they didnt like the color of my hair. Ok WTF?:cuss: ROFL. I am SO sorry if my hair offends anyone. It does that sometimes.

:peace: :joint: :peace: :joint: :peace:

your kidding, right? your hair color?


Well-Known Member
yeah you cant let it bother you, I just got -rep for posting the same pic of a girl with big buds twice. lol As if I owe the reader something!
She was hot though.


Well-Known Member
This is really important. How do you check your reps. Maybe I have some -reps and don't even know about them. I mean like oh my god how could they? Soo... blazin how is the discussion about not smoking going. Did the two of you talk about it?


Well-Known Member
Yes we did talk about it....he has a while yet b4 he has to stop I guess the process just to get an appt. to test him.....but he said I didn't have to quit, just burn away from him......which is fair....more than fair actually, he can be a shit, but I love him....hehehehe feeling all whoooshy inside...........NOT!!!!!


Well-Known Member
okay JW, some of the shit u come up with I would have to beg to differ...like your signature...lol, I think I'm getting your humor now....sometimes it takes me a minute.....!


Well-Known Member

+ or -





this is like when you think of a word so long that the word doesn't even sound like a word...it's just a strange and funny noise. :)


Well-Known Member
i got it again for my cat. i love this. oh, oh, stop. i'm gonna cry. looks like it's really affecting me. HA HA HA


Well-Known Member
LMAO... fdd, I gave you + rep for getting your cat stoned... My cat would claw the shit outta me if I didn't get her stoned!


Well-Known Member
yeah. lol, about the negative rep there 24/7, i don't think it's only one person on about your rep.... hehe


Well-Known Member
a fucking drunk trailer park supervisor who thinks hes a cop but he isnt and walks aroud with a fat guy with no shirt all day getting drunk and fucking off

i still can't find the last three episodes. i made it to the end of the last season and the web site went down. i'm hanging..........:evil: