lmaoThey look solid as hell. I know at one point you were ???? what the deal was but a bit of time must have been all they needed. Maybe you've got some british genetics.........cus they sure like their tea...................:cricket chirps:
hahaha Oh why I think some things are so funny,,, when their probably not... Off to smoke some ganja!right,left,jab...over hand right...
ding..MOFO...........DING.....PRON K.O
i think you need not take no more time away from growing.
Ahh, you mean the 32 fuckin' spinal combo with the violent finisher, as an example? I hated that shit too.. always had to pretty much ride the block keys and hope for lucky shots vs my relatives who are maniacs with that game. I evened the score out once I learned about cinder, and eyedol with the beast of a club though. hahahahaI hated killer instinct, the combo shit always drove me crazy. Fuck those kids that memorize button sequences and can kill you before you even get a hit off.
I got some sssd x pbog, and some bns x sb1.
I noticed the only pre-made tea pack I have is "puffed up". Something pre-mixed with something must be reacting with each other and producing a gas,,, idk what it is or if its bad so for now tea packs are on hold until I get some controlled testing done to see if it has any negative effects. I'll also do my best to find out whats going on,, possibly have to pack an ingredient separate.
Doobs, what are you seeing?
Good to have ya Baywatcher, good luck with it backyard!
There is one of the packs that's swollen up tight (the dry mix).
I'm going to have to poke a small hole to relieve pressure.
In fact, all of the dry mix pouches are swelling up.
Though the remaining ones are only just starting to balloon and barely have any gas in them.
I'll keep an eye out on them and let you know what happens.
Exactly what I was thinking. I'll make a pack without the fulvic and humic.As of lights-off this morning, they were loving the tea from the night before.
Perhaps the fulvic acid & humates reacted with the gauano?
For the most part the microbes are dormant, but you could be onto something,,, if that were the case then a FOUL odor would be emitted.Do you not think keeping things in an air free environment is bad? I know it's not like cooking soil or anything, but I would think too long in an anaerobic environment would be bad for any type of stuff like that? Maybe pack things up to send them, then open them up when they get there to breath?
We bofe be puffin up!The difference of altitude between you two may be a factor as well. I know when I take chips up to the mountains when we camp they get tight like they're gonna pop.