Whoa, Pm


Well-Known Member
Super surprised, I found 2 leaves with PM on my indoors.

I plucked the leaves and was hoping to give it a spray with something.

About 3-4 weeks into flower.

Running a RDWC

6.0 PH, 700 PPM. Room is Averaging 73 degrees and 43% Humidity.

lights on usually around 77-81 and since it’s gotten colder out the humidity is like 44-38. And lights off like 71-68. Humidity rising to around 45-50.

What’s causing my one plant, out of 11. To get a few spots of PM?

What can be done, or is it systematic and never go away and should
toss it?

3 fans blowing on them.



Well-Known Member
Get your humidity in check dont go above 45 if ya can help it. Your in bloom mid way not a lot of good options since bud formation is going stronger. But can try pm wash do just the infected areas. I wouldnt drench the plant if ya can help it so less chance of bud rot.


Well-Known Member
I mean i feel as if mid 50s with 3 fans circulation isn’t the cause the the PM but the massive drop in temps.

Feel like that stuff happens above like 65%??


Well-Known Member
Cold temps and humidity did it to me. I changed the environment and all is good now. My Green Crack that got it on my second round is still going strong on its fourth. I've been cloning it since I got it over a year ago, and it's one of my favorites so I hope I can keep her going for a long time. Sorry to hear about the PM.


Well-Known Member
Cold temps and humidity did it to me. I changed the environment and all is good now. My Green Crack that got it on my second round is still going strong on its fourth. I've been cloning it since I got it over a year ago, and it's one of my favorites so I hope I can keep her going for a long time. Sorry to hear about the PM.
It was one spot on one girl out of 11. So hoping she was just prone to it or something. Skunk Original.

All my @Usefulseeds is doing good thus far.

changed environment, hoping that will helpZ

Will keep humidity down and less temp swing

min temp will be like 73

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Spray the plants and grow area with a H2O2 solution to kill spores. There are other preventatives, but if it gets bad you might consider a sulphur burn. Kill the spores.


Well-Known Member
I had this happen to me a few weeks ago, it was suggested to mix water, peroxide and a little whole milk in a spray bottle. Fixed it up in a weeks time


Well-Known Member
Don't let the lights off temp go below 70, preferably 72. Every time I set my AC too cool (like 68 is the magic number for me) with the lights off BAM PM even at 50%.

Never had PM back in Missouri. Had botrytis but no PM.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
This is the time of year people bring outdoor harvested weed into the house to manicure and dry. Of course, that's a great way to get inside if you're a mold spore, an aphid or a spider mite.


Well-Known Member
This is the time of year people bring outdoor harvested weed into the house to manicure and dry. Of course, that's a great way to get inside if you're a mold spore, an aphid or a spider mite.
That is a valid point .

I did just harvest 20 plants and have them drying next to flower room. Haven’t found any mold yet from those flowers.

The one plant that had a bit of Pm would have been the farthest from the drying plants ( all a room away) just this one is in the back.

But yes have a heater that’s keeping it like 72-75 lights off.

got greencure en route.

thanks for the help homies


Well-Known Member
My greencure should be here today.

I think I saw one more spot that’s like the size of an ant lol. On the same plant and maybe, maybe another tiny tiny spot on the plant next to that.
How long will it still spread even though the environment has changed? Greencure should arrive later today

Room has been adjusted so lights out temp is 72-75. So not dropping nearly as much. humidity below 43.

Can greencure work as preventive also?

For the two that may have some in flower, spray before lights out every 3 days ?
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