Who you gonna call?


Well-Known Member
The leader of the New Black Panther Party, Tampa chapter, had a run-in with an African-American thug while walking home from a nightclub in Ybor City.

Fox News reported that Mohammad, who was formerly known as Clarence Jones, and two of his friends were robbed at gunpoint by a thug who was later identified as 18-year-old Antwan Robertson. Robertson demanded Mohammad and his companions surrender their valuables before fleeing the scene.

Who did Mohammad call?

Mohammad, who is anti-police, didn’t hesitate in calling 911 for assistance. When officers arrived on the scene they did just what we would have expected from them. They did their jobs.

Police found Robertson hiding in a dumpster and returned Mohammad’s possessions that had been stolen.

Mohammad? Well, now he has a new respect for law enforcement. Not only does he have a different outlook on police, he’s going to shift his focus on fixing other issues in the community.


Well-Known Member
You're trying to make a story out of the police doing what they're legally required to do? Lol, how is this news?

According to you the police dont do their jobs. In fact, they should have shot this black man just for calling them right?


Well-Known Member
The news is that a new black member party member got a clue that police were necessary after he needed them.

I can post good shit that police do all day just like Bearkat can post bad shit police do all day...

Well, not today, I got to go make money...


Well-Known Member
Who you gonna call...





I see what you did there, very very sly racism indeed.