Who you gonna call? Myth busters!

Are they gay too? Doesnt matter to me if they are or not but their look (Mastaches etc)and way they act seems a little gay.
I think they are both married to women. Just the type of dudes that NEVER got any pussy until they got rich. Now they got money and fame they suck up to every piece of early 20's pussy they can and it's stupid creepy. They still only attract losers though, even with their money they can't find chicks with enough self respect to not blame all of their personal failings on men and the patriarchy.

Pretty sure Adam has kids around the age of the chicks he hangs out with. Super cool dude.

Adam has destroyed his fanbase on Tested with this shit. I stopped watching about a year or two ago because of the feminazi shit. I just checked his channel and the comments section is the same ol'shit. People begging him to not invite these people on that are damaging his brand. His videos used to hit a million, now they have like 20k on avg.

Then there's the whole encouraging people with mental disorders to get a sex change. YAY Adam, what a Savage. Sorry for the rant, but those guys used to be like heroes. Now they are like creepy old men that want to fuck teenagers.
I think they are both married to women. Just the type of dudes that NEVER got any pussy until they got rich. Now they got money and fame they suck up to every piece of early 20's pussy they can and it's stupid creepy. They still only attract losers though, even with their money they can't find chicks with enough self respect to not blame all of their personal failings on men and the patriarchy.

Pretty sure Adam has kids around the age of the chicks he hangs out with. Super cool dude.

Adam has destroyed his fanbase on Tested with this shit. I stopped watching about a year or two ago because of the feminazi shit. I just checked his channel and the comments section is the same ol'shit. People begging him to not invite these people on that are damaging his brand. His videos used to hit a million, now they have like 20k on avg.

Then there's the whole encouraging people with mental disorders to get a sex change. YAY Adam, what a Savage. Sorry for the rant, but those guys used to be like heroes. Now they are like creepy old men that want to fuck teenagers.
Honestly, i find it more creepy that people follow tv personalities to the point they become "heroes"
I just watched them blow shit up, that's the extent of our relationship.
Honestly, i find it more creepy that people follow tv personalities to the point they become "heroes"
I just watched them blow shit up, that's the extent of our relationship.
making semi-educational programming accessible and fun to millions of people around the world was a pretty good thing. TV has lost almost all educational programming.

They undoubtably inspired some kids to pursue a path of being creative. Their show while entertaining, was a great way to show people that science/engineering can be fun and anyone can do it.

I certainly enjoyed watching them blow shit up :)
Waaaaay to late if you can see the roots on the surface of the root ball when you take it out of the cup.
It is a bit like Japanese footbinding.
No problems with rooting in my garden. They get plenty of leg room for 1 month from seed to flip in their 5 gallon pots.

I have been growing indoors for a very long time and have trimmed many lbs and I don't believe anyone can get better results in the vegetative state than the method I use except for in a well tuned Deep Water Culure.

They don't come out looking like bonsai, lol.
I do feed them 6 times daily in coco Drain To Waste, so they don't experience drought conditions, ever.
If I grew outdoors though I'd be more concerned with a huge root system.
No problems with rooting in my garden. They get plenty of leg room for 1 month from seed to flip in their 5 gallon pots.

I have been growing indoors for a very long time and have trimmed many lbs and I don't believe anyone can get better results in the vegetative state than the method I use except for in a well tuned Deep Water Culure.

They don't come out looking like bonsai, lol.
I do feed them 6 times daily in coco Drain To Waste, so they don't experience drought conditions, ever.
If I grew outdoors though I'd be more concerned with a huge root system.
Even small root balls produce big plants if properly dealt with IMG_3110.JPG


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Yes, it is less of an issue in hydro as you are bringing the food to the roots.
I'm a bit busy doing vegetables at the moment but when I get a chance I will do a comparison test for you and wash off everything from the roots so you can see what I mean my roots grow 360 degrees.
I'm not saying roots are not important just that if they do get rootbound you can still have a successful outcome but things should not get to that stage if at all possible. That plant was in a plastic 7 gallon grow bag. I typically use to use feed bags, about 20 gallon, roots cgrow out the bottom half way through grow :).
I used to like those guys. Turns out Adam is a raging feminazi and I'm pretty sure Jamie is too. The type of baby back bitches to spell women Womyn because they don't like the "Men" in the word.

What? You mean they're not feckless men terrified and threatened by women? Why, I for one shall never watch another episode.

What? You mean they're not feckless men terrified and threatened by women? Why, I for one shall never watch another episode.

No. That's not what I said, Adam is a self loathing white man. Jamie, to be fair, I don't know enough about to judge. That's what I said. It's like a black dude that hates other black people, it's fucking weird.

Have you actually listened to Adam on his Tested panel show when one of these period blood dyed man haters are on?

He goes full :

I believe the first step to equality is treating everyone equal. Not acting like white men are the enemy and there's some sort of secret movement to keep women making sammiches.

I am very much for equality and empowered intelligent strong women. I have two young nieces and we regularly discuss being strong independent women, doing things they want to do and not things society says they can. I try to encourage them to try new sports/interests that aren't in their comfort realm, while respecting their choices. I'm going to be building a RC car with the younger of the two. Encouraging them to get into fields that make money, and not do traditional "womens work" which pays shit. Your insinuations are insulting to say the least.

I judge people by the content of their character not their sex or colour

The only reason to be threatened by women is if they are being irrational and aggressive, as many of Adam's guests are. Most women do not act this way. He decides to provide a very narrow view of women through his choice of guests which leads less intelligent members of his audience to assume all women are this way. Adam is doing far greater damage to the image of women than he realizes.

My hypothesis is : most intelligent women don't want to be on his show because he treats them differently because they are women, the same reason why I assume they don't have guests of different races.

Adam is racist and sexist while trying so hard to not be either. That much is clear from listening to one of those podcasts.

Feminism is still about equality = Myth. It's a radicalized sexist self loathing racist movement.

Equality happened, get over it.
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It doesn't make females....That (use of the "pill" by plants) is an old, old "thing" from the 70's. It was said that it made plants fuller and more "lush"..... it worked on my spider/Jade plants pretty good.

I would NOT try that on any plant I was going to consume in any way!

Yeah, ah, that don't work either! Not possible by the plant.....Most magazine grow writers still push the "flush" because if they didn't. The magazine would loose big advertising dollars.....Many nutrient makers sell "flushing agents"..

It would behoove many growers to wrap their heads around the fact that the vast majority of nutrient makers. Don't give a shit if they sell snake oil. Your only a means to a profit! Can you say AN, Cyco, H&G, FF, Bio Bizz. ALL junk in my book (plenty of others too)! I wish I had a buck for every shitty FF and Bio Bizz plant I've seen!

You want simple and effective?
Dyna - foliage pro
Jack's citrus
Grow in a tupor mix
Supplement with K Sulfate
Harvest when ready and dry and cure properly
Boom done!

I think @Dr.Nick Riviera pretty much covered the list...
I do like the MJ specific nutrient thing! LMFAO!
Dynagrow FTW! I don't like all the graphic art on the bottle...bud candy sounds and looks great if you're a 12 year old lol
With some camera manipulation and assuming she is able to figure out the hint, I will be swiping that ass.


Hopefully she doesn't mind doing it in the dark.

Haha put that in brown town and then stick your pecker in the clam and say its your finger.