Who you gonna call? Myth busters!

Ahh, see but not all of us Americans fall into that pond. If I'm not mistaken Americans were king of the world for like 60 years, between 1919-1980, but compared to England's 200 years it's not much. Anyways we gave the world its first nuclear bomb and we supply quite a bit of guns too... Oh wait I was trying to spin that in a positive light for ole 'Merica but sadly the mass majority has given up on intelligence and critical thinking in favor for football and beer.
I hear there's plenty of beer and football games in Australia. Maybe, a dumb ass or two? You could even say we're like cousin colonists with more similarities than differences.
I would have to look - You got me on that one..:oops:

I do know that there are like 8 different cannabinoids found in seeded that unseeded does not have. It's said by those that prefer the seeded. That it makes it more intense and lasts longer....I am speaking on full spectrum and UVB grown plants - seeded and unseeded....

Sadly, even if it's true and can be proven.....You won't be seeing seeded cannabis on any shelves or setting sales records either.

It's kinda like the fact that if properly harvested in steps. The smaller buds are stronger and measurably more potent.....Not many really know that. Even less believe it.....I think U-Ben said something about that in his "Lower buds don't need light to grow big" thread. He got ridiculed to death for that statement. Thing is, it's true!
my plants seem to do better when they have a small branch pollinated, I wonder if that affects the whole plant.
How about the myth perpetrated by each Cannabis legal state, that they have the best strains, most knowledge, and simply the best cultivators of Marijuana.

Example: Shush, I'm from California, don't even talk to me about cultivation. :D
See, thats what im talking about. Very amateur trolling. Im guessing your new to the internet?

Be even worse if your American as Americans cannot spell Gaol or Colour so changed the English language to suit themselves. Hell, they cannot even get how the date works and do it month first, couldnt measure a Gallon so made that up to....weird stuff.
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I try not to listen to people that come across as know-it-alls. I love watching people like that put their foot in their mouths.
There is plenty of Broscience to wade through on these forums.
Word! And when you ask the reasoning behind their claims and they respond with something along the line of "because fuck wit"..very scientific it must be right
my plants seem to do better when they have a small branch pollinated, I wonder if that affects the whole plant.

Interesting point!

It's not getting the hormone's the branch is but, maybe benefiting from nutritional needs of a seeding area on the plant?
It's not known in any country! The theory is out there but the science isn't definitive.
I think it is definitive.
All governments and anti mj fanatics love to throw this one out there.
The amount of people admitting to using mj has doubled or tripled yet mental disorders such as schizophrenia hasn't increased.
People predisposed to the types of disorders get them regardless.
It's not known in any country! The theory is out there but the science isn't definitive.

There is a lot of science here in my country about how thc/cbn/cbd etc screws with your brains receptors. Psychosis is medical fact here so i cannot say differently or support that it dosent happen, ask me why i dont wake and bake the whole day on high grade cheese no more.....
There is a lot of science here in my country about how thc/cbn/cbd etc screws with your brains receptors. Psychosis is medical fact here so i cannot say differently or support that it dosent happen, ask me why i dont wake and bake the whole day on high grade cheese no more.....

That's really the point, if you smash anything all day it's going to have secondary effects. If psychosis is all weed smokers have to fear then feel damn fking lucky. I have a friend and a family member who are in much worse shape by over doing class A's or alcohol (class A too imo).

My brother has smoked green since I can remember, 7 in the morning starts with a bong for him, for 20 year. I would wide eyed stare at anybody attempting to drink/sniff/drop pills every morning and through out the day for 20 year. I'd give you 5 year at best.
There is a lot of science here in my country about how thc/cbn/cbd etc screws with your brains receptors. Psychosis is medical fact here so i cannot say differently or support that it dosent happen, ask me why i dont wake and bake the whole day on high grade cheese no more.....
Where is "your country" out of interest?