Who won the third Presidential debate? Post your opinion

Third Presidential debate review: http://bit.ly/2eHLL3q

I think Trump won by a large margin. Thoughts?
He said "bad hombres" and "she's a nasty woman". Giving woman and latinos a new hash tag and the final nail in the coffin to make sure they don't vote for him.

He appealed to his base. But his base is super small.

He did nothing to win over black and Latino voters.

Nothing to win over college educated males and working professionals.

Nothing to win over woman.

And he refused to say he would concede the election if he lost. Holy shit. Lol.

He is going to lose by an unprecedented landslide. The white supremacist will be furious and post some internet memes and YouTube conspiracy movies. Life goes on. Conservatives die off, the population gets more and more progressive. It is the course of history.
Looks like we're going to have to dig up Lincoln and convince his bones to run a third term. He was buried before the term limit was introduced, so it's totally legit.