well the sissy remark was a joke but if you want FACTS. the steelers SUCK!every real team they have faced they LOST.ya they might beat the browns texans or whatever but when they face real competition (eagles giants colts) THEY SUCK there defense is overrated and there quaterback is a bumbleing retard. i kno the Cardinals will run threw this group of overrated sissys.(The steelers are a bunch a sissys.)
lol....Are you kidding??? Face the facts man. STEELERS= #1 DEFENCE, STEELERS= an amazing quaterback they compare to the greats. Open up your eyes! lol.....You must have smoke in your eyes man....better wear some goggles....lol....
USC sucks bro.sorry to be the one that had to tell ya.i get that.
i just hate the NFL.
and my college team is the shit.
it's a los angeles thing.
ya they lost bro.but ya
exactly 1st time in the superbowl.they wont lose.the cards are gonna take it man they got too much momentum and too much to lose from not playing like they have all season
Go steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!