• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Who Was Jesus? What Did He Teach? Letting His Words Do The Talking!


Well-Known Member


Active Member
WTF..... So much ignorance and intolerance. Once again you all have clearly shown that it's the atheist
That are the oppressor. I specifically asked that this not turn into a hate fest. What is really sad is that most of you are Americans.
Its a shame that this what America has become.


Active Member
Pad the reason atheist don't join the military is Most likely because they are selfish cowards. The only reason your allowed to spew such bullshit is because people fight and die for your rights.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Control to what end? You may as well say that Children's story books are about controlling people, like oh wow!
Controlling by telling them what they can think and do. You cannot have impure thoughts, you must worship god on sunday, etc. More than controlling your life it's controlling your inner most thoughts.

I think Jesus was an all around good guy though. If you have read any of my posts in this sub-forum you know i'm atheist. I still consider "what would jesus do?" a good question to ask yourself. I don't think he was a god, but in general I think "jesus" would do the right and honorable thing in most situations. Sometimes when friends come up with shitty things they want to do (in my opinion) I just ask them what jesus would do in their situation.


Well-Known Member
I think all atheists should have there heads chopped off for the blasphemy they spew from there mouths on a daily basis. God is punishing our country right now for electing a muslim into the presidency. For the sake of everyone's soul on the planet we need to elect palin next time.


Well-Known Member
WTF..... So much ignorance and intolerance. Once again you all have clearly shown that it's the atheist That are the oppressor. I specifically asked that this not turn into a hate fest. What is really sad is that most of you are Americans.
Its a shame that this what America has become.
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt bro.

Organized religion keeps people ignorant to real world facts. You, for instance, don't accept evolution even though a few of us evil atheists have attempted to explain it to you. It's real, it happens, yet you refuse to acknowledge it. Same thing most likely goes for the big bang and any other scientific theory that conflicts with the beliefs organized religion has instilled into you. And there are millions of others just like you. I come into contact with some of them on a daily basis and it blows my mind how absolutely stupid some people can be and still be able to function as a part of society.

America has become what it is today because of organized religion and the unintended, yes, but that doesn't make it any less damaging, consequences people like you refuse to accept. Our population is retarded because parents pull their kids out of science class when evolution gets brought up, they don't want them to hear the facts because their authority could come into question. Because kids spend 5 hours a day in front of a tv instead of actually being raised by their parents because parents in our society don't have the time to spend teaching and raising their kids and also making a living to support them and put food on the table all at the same time.

How you don't see that Christianity specifically has stifled progress in our country since it's creation is beyond me. You're fuckin' blind crackerboy.

Pad the reason atheist don't join the military is Most likely because they are selfish cowards. The only reason your allowed to spew such bullshit is because people fight and die for your rights.
Well, interesting conclusion, but again, obviously wrong.

Anyone who goes off to fight and die for a country who lies to them is a mindless drone who deserves everything they get on the battlefield.

The reason atheists don't join the military in the numbers believers do is because we only have ONE life and it would be a waste to die for something or someone you can't even see and have never even met because society says it's the ''honorable'' thing to do. Fuck society. Fuck anyone right in their arrogant self righteous mouth who thinks that way. Go ahead and believe it, it doesn't make you any less dead in the end.

Edit: Also got a kick out of the irony of you believing it to be selfish to NOT go off into foreign lands and murder other people... so selfish indeed! (idiot!)


Well-Known Member
WTF..... So much ignorance and intolerance. Once again you all have clearly shown that it's the atheist
That are the oppressor. I specifically asked that this not turn into a hate fest. What is really sad is that most of you are Americans.
Its a shame that this what America has become.
Pad the reason atheist don't join the military is Most likely because they are selfish cowards. The only reason your allowed to spew such bullshit is because people fight and die for your rights.

Why do you make yourself out to be some polite little shit who is anything but ignorant in one post... "oh look at what america has become" and then moments later you insult atheists as a whole, you sir, are a fucking bigot.


Well-Known Member
hey,,yeah there was a man called jesus, but he wasnt a christian or jew, he was a buddist.
let me explain, in a lot of ancient text, such as the bible and koran to name two have references to this man.
In the buddist religon when a new dila-lama is needed 3 elders are sent to follow a star to guide them to a baby to be selected and taken at the age of seven to be taught the ways of the budda. hence the wise men, hence why there are no account of jesus as a teen in the bible,,he is just an adult when he re appears.
also alot of his teachings or preachs are stolen from buddist pro verbs and just re- worded.
also jesus never died on the cross, he was simply close to death and when they took thing to 'bamb that body in the cave it was more like actual meds and revival herbs to make him better. so he didnt rise again just recovered. crusification as we know it from the romans take a long time to fully kill someone. jesus wasnt on there long enough.
anway as he disappeared there is evidence of a tomb. some where in nepal or tibet around there, are to graves of anicent dila-lama's.
one grave is facing south north,,one east west, which is unusal, anyway these graves have foot imprints cast in bronze of the feet of the dila-lamas. One of these has stange scars on the foot sole which are slighty indented and slight off set. if the feet where crossed they would match to lap over each other if the feet where place as such,,like on the cross.
These are all facts about jesus,, the man who did preach good and helped peolpe. the buddist had a different name for him, but the koran, bible, have him as a saint or 'son of god' when infact he was a buddist preist. buddism being atleast 2,000years older than hinduism,let alone christianity.:joint:


Well-Known Member
hey,,yeah there was a man called jesus, but he wasnt a christian or jew, he was a buddist.
let me explain, in a lot of ancient text, such as the bible and koran to name two have references to this man.
In the buddist religon when a new dila-lama is needed 3 elders are sent to follow a star to guide them to a baby to be selected and taken at the age of seven to be taught the ways of the budda. hence the wise men, hence why there are no account of jesus as a teen in the bible,,he is just an adult when he re appears.
also alot of his teachings or preachs are stolen from buddist pro verbs and just re- worded.
also jesus never died on the cross, he was simply close to death and when they took thing to 'bamb that body in the cave it was more like actual meds and revival herbs to make him better. so he didnt rise again just recovered. crusification as we know it from the romans take a long time to fully kill someone. jesus wasnt on there long enough.
anway as he disappeared there is evidence of a tomb. some where in nepal or tibet around there, are to graves of anicent dila-lama's.
one grave is facing south north,,one east west, which is unusal, anyway these graves have foot imprints cast in bronze of the feet of the dila-lamas. One of these has stange scars on the foot sole which are slighty indented and slight off set. if the feet where crossed they would match to lap over each other if the feet where place as such,,like on the cross.
These are all facts about jesus,, the man who did preach good and helped peolpe. the buddist had a different name for him, but the koran, bible, have him as a saint or 'son of god' when infact he was a buddist preist. buddism being atleast 2,000years older than hinduism,let alone christianity.:joint:

you better hush or you will be called a liar, a heretic, etc etc etc.

people dont like the truth, its never as interesting as a good story ;)


Well-Known Member
hey,,yeah there was a man called jesus, but he wasnt a christian or jew, he was a buddist.
let me explain, in a lot of ancient text, such as the bible and koran to name two have references to this man.
In the buddist religon when a new dila-lama is needed 3 elders are sent to follow a star to guide them to a baby to be selected and taken at the age of seven to be taught the ways of the budda. hence the wise men, hence why there are no account of jesus as a teen in the bible,,he is just an adult when he re appears.
also alot of his teachings or preachs are stolen from buddist pro verbs and just re- worded.
also jesus never died on the cross, he was simply close to death and when they took thing to 'bamb that body in the cave it was more like actual meds and revival herbs to make him better. so he didnt rise again just recovered. crusification as we know it from the romans take a long time to fully kill someone. jesus wasnt on there long enough.
anway as he disappeared there is evidence of a tomb. some where in nepal or tibet around there, are to graves of anicent dila-lama's.
one grave is facing south north,,one east west, which is unusal, anyway these graves have foot imprints cast in bronze of the feet of the dila-lamas. One of these has stange scars on the foot sole which are slighty indented and slight off set. if the feet where crossed they would match to lap over each other if the feet where place as such,,like on the cross.
These are all facts about jesus,, the man who did preach good and helped peolpe. the buddist had a different name for him, but the koran, bible, have him as a saint or 'son of god' when infact he was a buddist preist. buddism being atleast 2,000years older than hinduism,let alone christianity.:joint:
umm... buddhism isn't older than hinduism fact.


Well-Known Member
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt bro.

Organized religion keeps people ignorant to real world facts. You, for instance, don't accept evolution even though a few of us evil atheists have attempted to explain it to you. It's real, it happens, yet you refuse to acknowledge it. Same thing most likely goes for the big bang and any other scientific theory that conflicts with the beliefs organized religion has instilled into you. And there are millions of others just like you. I come into contact with some of them on a daily basis and it blows my mind how absolutely stupid some people can be and still be able to function as a part of society.

America has become what it is today because of organized religion and the unintended, yes, but that doesn't make it any less damaging, consequences people like you refuse to accept. Our population is retarded because parents pull their kids out of science class when evolution gets brought up, they don't want them to hear the facts because their authority could come into question. Because kids spend 5 hours a day in front of a tv instead of actually being raised by their parents because parents in our society don't have the time to spend teaching and raising their kids and also making a living to support them and put food on the table all at the same time.

How you don't see that Christianity specifically has stifled progress in our country since it's creation is beyond me. You're fuckin' blind crackerboy.

Well, interesting conclusion, but again, obviously wrong.

Anyone who goes off to fight and die for a country who lies to them is a mindless drone who deserves everything they get on the battlefield.

The reason atheists don't join the military in the numbers believers do is because we only have ONE life and it would be a waste to die for something or someone you can't even see and have never even met because society says it's the ''honorable'' thing to do. Fuck society. Fuck anyone right in their arrogant self righteous mouth who thinks that way. Go ahead and believe it, it doesn't make you any less dead in the end.

Edit: Also got a kick out of the irony of you believing it to be selfish to NOT go off into foreign lands and murder other people... so selfish indeed! (idiot!)

urr not all religons require ignorance. faith is not ignorance, and did a great man not once say, Ignorance is Bliss.?
I am an athesit, beliver in science . I also served In the UK Royal Marines for 4 and a half years,(42 Com) not out of duty, nor some blind faith., I really object over that comment about anyone who dies for a country that lies to them,, that is utter BS, you really dont know what those men and women have scarificed for. Right now the quailty of life in afghan are on the up.
the US wanted the UK to help because we have expierance in occupying terrortiy. N. Ireland as an example, even though your goverment supplied the IRA with money to make bombs to blow up here in the UK,,but that aside,,,,,,,
and Iraq was a time bomb with Saddam.
Is it wrong to remove a man who commits genocide? the UN batts an eye, The US was the only one who wanted to take action the first time(George Sen.) and yes there may not have been WMDs, but that region all wanted them, hence why Iran has started to inrich used power sorces... but on the saddam front do you think they would of hang him otherwise??
and i dont see how your country is really lying to you. In relation to afghan that is,.....the tailban werent what we went to war for. It was al-quieada(excuse my spelling, im quite high), so we just ended up fighting them cause they were harbouring many of these terrist camps. these camps where established along time ago, back when we were all fighting saddam that first time.
anyway we could agrue about if its just, or right etc, but I think you have been sniffing captain hindsights bum abit.
This 'war' isnt a religous war, peolpe find relgion alot more appling if your going to be shot at everyday!!!!!!!
thats why religon was big in the 'olden days' to use that fraise. when life was short, or likly hood of dieing was more and more each day,,
sorry for the ramble but those, 'idots' who die,,, for you,,,deserve respect,cause they are making the world a better place, GOD or NOT,......... .!!!!!


Well-Known Member
umm... buddhism isn't older than hinduism fact.
yeah sorry,, just reading my book on anicent reilgons,,,,your right sorry bout that im quite high,, no excuse though.
but this thing says judism,,is 1400 bc, hindism 2000bc, budism 500bc,zoratism 600bc and janism 700-526bc,,(this is abit like budism not with 3 god, to use that term losely, but the looking for souls to be clear of impurities,,has alot of stuff about two cycles, with 24 pure jains being born, they where the propounders of Jainism, where it also clams to be alot older than the 700bc.)
sorry bout that, got these dates from my book,which is publish 2001.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
urr not all religons require ignorance. faith is not ignorance, and did a great man not once say, Ignorance is Bliss.?
Faith: 1. strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence


Ignorant: 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. 2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.



Well-Known Member
you better hush or you will be called a liar, a heretic, etc etc etc.

people dont like the truth, its never as interesting as a good story ;)
there is a mob with flaming sticks and pitch forks, there also what looks like a burning effagy??????


Well-Known Member
urr not all religons require ignorance. faith is not ignorance, and did a great man not once say, Ignorance is Bliss.?
Faith is belief without the evidence to justify it.

If you believe anything without the evidence to justify that belief, you are ignorant.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is slavery. Stupid people feel comfortable with a lie. I'm here to tell those people the truth is always more comforting, no matter how scary it may seem because it is what's real.

I really object over that comment about anyone who dies for a country that lies to them,, that is utter BS, you really dont know what those men and women have scarificed for.
You object to my comment about anyone who dies for a country that lies to them is an idiot? I'd love to hear any objections you have.

Those men and women have sacrificed their mobility, future and, in a lot of instances, their lives... but it wasn't for me or for my freedoms. That is a line of propaganda they feed you to make you feel all patriotic. They get paid, just like any other job, people in the military wouldn't do it for free, and the recruitment rates wouldn't be nearly as high as they are without all the government incentives.

Is it wrong to remove a man who commits genocide?
ROFL! Sudan? Rwanda? Bosnia? Somalia?...

Since when is it our responsibility to police the world?

and i dont see how your country is really lying to you.
Check out the Wikileaks documents

sorry for the ramble but those, 'idots' who die,,, for you,,,deserve respect,cause they are making the world a better place, GOD or NOT,......... .!!!!!
There is a distinction between a soldier and the kind of idiot I'm referring to.


Well-Known Member
Faith: 1. strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence


Ignorant: 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. 2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.

so your saying im ignorant ??
hell im not religous in the slightest but,,,,,,you have faith in sicence and are 'ignorant' of reilgon.yes, but so ignorant that its become intorlance.
I said im not here to agrue,but faith is still different ,in genral ignaorant people have faith in religion, and ignorant people have faith in science, but BOTH are ignorant of the other feelings,,


Well-Known Member
Faith is belief without the evidence to justify it.

If you believe anything without the evidence to justify that belief, you are ignorant.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is slavery. Stupid people feel comfortable with a lie. I'm here to tell those people the truth is always more comforting, no matter how scary it may seem because it is what's real.

You object to my comment about anyone who dies for a country that lies to them is an idiot? I'd love to hear any objections you have.

Those men and women have sacrificed their mobility, future and, in a lot of instances, their lives... but it wasn't for me or for my freedoms. That is a line of propaganda they feed you to make you feel all patriotic. They get paid, just like any other job, people in the military wouldn't do it for free, and the recruitment rates wouldn't be nearly as high as they are without all the government incentives.

ROFL! Sudan? Rwanda? Bosnia? Somalia?...

Since when is it our responsibility to police the world?

Check out the Wikileaks documents

There is a distinction between a soldier and the kind of idiot I'm referring to.
hell this this giong on abit,,, I really cant be asssed arguing anymore ,, WE ALL HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO.
but to say bout that stuff,,so we agree about the soilders, thats the point I was making
and you say why is it your job? its kinda what you like to do america? haha, I dont mean that, I mean surely as free people we have an obligation to try to make this world better? Im not saying opress fredoms,,just everyone do alittle. seem governments try to do alot.
hell thats why I joined to get paided...loved it too.