Who was a STONER in High School? I Was!!


Active Member
I remember in 10th grade lunch time and a friend of mine had Hawaiian weed (First Hawaiian smoke). Greenest shit I ever seen but man after 2 hits my friend said no man..2 hits is all you need just give it a minute and then a wave of flush came over my head and just as quick as turning the light on I was freaking hiiiiiiiiigh! So high I had a hard time walking up the stairs back to my art class, I kept slipping when walking up stairs, get that one. Fucking goof I was. I finally got to class and was sent to the office for being 10 minutes late and all I did was go from my locker to my art class which was one flight of stairs up away from my locker....Do-Do-Do-Do...The Twilight Zone!bongsmilie

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Nope. Lots of folks doing that in the early/mid 70's. Bruce was on the west coast. I only made 3 runs to Jamaica before we found out about Colombia. It was a lot further, but MAN what a trip!!! Especially at that age!!!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Here. By 5 years old I had ate pot brownies, smoked hash under glass, and puffed off a joint. In high school we were buying bricks and selling 1/4's to the high school kids.