Who wants to play this fun guessing game? (pics) what's going on here?

Most soil seem to follow the same soil mixes, all are crap in my opinion!lol! Dose the foxfarm need much lime before planting in?
Most soil seem to follow the same soil mixes, all are crap in my opinion!lol! Dose the foxfarm need much lime before planting in?

Haven't had to use lime at all... I've only used the ffof and ffopm (fox farms original planting mix) and fox farms Grow big(feed).. I did have some little soil bugs that I wasn't sure what they were, but neem oil took care of it...
Haven't had to use lime at all... I've only used the ffof and ffopm (fox farms original planting mix) and fox farms Grow big(feed).. I did have some little soil bugs that I wasn't sure what they were, but neem oil took care of it...

Thanks a lot of people ask me if they need lime in the foxfarms but how am i meant to know right!lol!

I get bugs in my soil, springtail usually, good for the soil, dont kill these but yours might be bad. Peace
That's not good, I never get bugs in my soil, soil should be sterilized so you do not get bugs or weeds.

Even sterilised soil is susceptable to spring tails, they are benificial bugs. The soil starts of sterilised, sits in a warehouse, travels hundreds of miles to another warehouse with lots of other soil and then gets taken to a garden shop or hardware shop where they either stack it outside before bringing indoors or if your lucky put it straight on to a clean dry shelf.

Bugs are evrywhere, you cant stop them getting into the soil at anystage of the process, its to be expected, my garden centre has a lot of outdoor plants for sale and bugs are present everywhere, dosent take much for them to find a nice bag of soil to breed in.

Some bugs are not pests in soil so try check which ones you have, the very small ones need magnification and there are sites you can post the pics on to get an accurate identification of species and family they belong to. This is the point of organics, you want some bugs. Springtails rock and help fix nutrients for my plants otherwise unavailable, there are many other small bugs that are good too.

Springtail so named cause its defence mechanism is a small apendage under the abdomen that allows them to jump/spring to a safe place, easy to identify, lots of small white bugs in soil and runoff that jump everywhere. Peace
Son of a bitch, I woke up yesterday morning and a colony of ants were going into one of my plants pot drain hole and taking soil to make a ant hill in my grow room! I had never seen anything like that before. Anyway, don't think they'll be coming back anytime soon...
Ants are ok generally but they herd aphids and such for their honeydew. Bugs just happen, unavoidable at the best of situations, some you can live with some you cant, i see a lot of new growers misdiagnosing springtails which are very common and desirable in the soil by many gardeners. People think knats and start attacking the soil with chemicals. As always the first step to bugs is identification, dont do anything till you are 100percent sure you know what you got.

I give my bugs a lot of respect, good or bad, they earnt a place on my plants so i dont nesecarialy want to kill them more just move them on! Dont screw with mother nature, she made things this way for a reason. If i prevent bugs from infesting my plants in the first place it saves me having to take so many inoccent lives. Peace