who wants to hook me up with some seeds

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New Member
i don't know just thought people would wanna help me out it wouldnt hurt to try bro just asking that's all


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha as well.....hell yeah i got like 12 of them that im giving away, i also have the winning power ball lottery ticket that im giving away to the first person who gets my free HPS 1billion watt light..


Well-Known Member
Lol @ this thread. Im a firm believer in 'ya dont ask ya dont get', unfortunately this time ya dont get.


Active Member
like u dont have a ton of schwag seeds layin around....if ya dont, thats your error for not planning ahead,lol


Active Member
To risky. I bought my seeds online. Although i was hesitant, i said o well what the hell, and i did it and them bitches came in 1.5 wk, ofcourse you gotta do your research, Nirvana has GREAT prices, But Attitude way more strains available. For starters i would def go with Nirvana, Alice will make you feel comfortable with everything.
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