who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!


Well-Known Member
naw that guy was a felon and wasent aloud to have a gun period!

i think they just dont want people being under the effects of weed while handling guns so if i just legally grow it for patients and im not a felon and i dont smoke it recreational or medically then why wouldn't i have access to my second amendment rights
:Looking for a better answer for you. :)


Well-Known Member
naw that guy was a felon and wasent aloud to have a gun period!

i think they just dont want people being under the effects of weed while handling guns so if i just legally grow it for patients and im not a felon and i dont smoke it recreational or medically then why wouldn't i have access to my second amendment rights
America was taken over in the the 1900's by bankers and globalists. They do many things illegally, saying they have popular vote. People that vote are to stupid to realize its rigged.
Your vote only means what they want it to. This method of doing things keeps the majority content with the corruption.


Well-Known Member
Okay Keepitcoastal I think I found your answer.

The firearm wouldn't get you busted as far as I could tell but you would still be looking at charges for distribution of a controlled substance. We can't win in a federal court. :(


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with that at all. Cannabis is a plant, you are one of the ones trying to exploit.
just because you have land you think your the only privileged one to get to smoke it at a reasonable price!!!
how is it fair for the people who cant grow it?? whos gunna grow it for them if the only people growing are people growing only for themselves!! do you see how stupid what your suggesting is???

like really think about it!!!

you can have huge commercial guys who dont give two shits about the bud they grow, they just wanna make money.. same with alot of the clubs and all the club prices are out of this world retarded


you can you have caregivers who have a small patient list who are supplied medical grade marijuana at almost 5 dollars a gram!!!!! how the fuck am i exploiting anything!!! nobody sells for that cheap. im trying to make this plant more affordable for people who really need it and dont have the abbility to grow it..

you know alot of the termanily ill medical marijuana patients couldent get around a garden to grow there own meds... so who do you think does that?? a care giver thats who

your closed minded as a mother fucker why dont you think about other people than yourself for a change


Well-Known Member
Okay Keepitcoastal I think I found your answer.

The firearm wouldn't get you busted as far as I could tell but you would still be looking at charges for distribution of a controlled substance. We can't win in a federal court. :(
yes you can this shit needs to stop look at how MENTALY CHALLENGED DEA CHIEF is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw2wjrsdZSM&feature=plcp

These are the people causing the problems, and your one of the people supporting the problem by saying what they say is true when in fact they pull shit out of there ass.


Well-Known Member
Okay Keepitcoastal I think I found your answer.

The firearm wouldn't get you busted as far as I could tell but you would still be looking at charges for distribution of a controlled substance. We can't win in a federal court. :(
thank you! w e its cool fuck i dont need a gun i got a beast ass compound bow i promise you ill nail you between the eyes from 50 feet


Well-Known Member
just because you have land you think your the only privileged one to get to smoke it at a reasonable price!!!
how is it fair for the people who cant grow it?? whos gunna grow it for them if the only people growing are people growing only for themselves!! do you see how stupid what your suggesting is???

like really think about it!!!

you can have huge commercial guys who dont give two shits about the bud they grow, they just wanna make money.. same with alot of the clubs and all the club prices are out of this world retarded


you can you have caregivers who have a small patient list who are supplied medical grade marijuana at almost 5 dollars a gram!!!!! how the fuck am i exploiting anything!!! nobody sells for that cheap. im trying to make this plant more affordable for people who really need it and dont have the abbility to grow it..

you know alot of the termanily ill medical marijuana patients couldent get around a garden to grow there own meds... so who do you think does that?? a care giver thats who

your closed minded as a mother fucker why dont you think about other people than yourself for a change
? i give weed away for free....


Well-Known Member
most of my neighbors weed they smoke this year came from last years outdoor and it was all free for them. i say its tax for growing by them and them having to smell it.... i mean who would want to smell GOD and not want a taste.


Well-Known Member
? i give weed away for free....
lol so you supply your "BUDDYS" with some weed to smoke for free... oh your sooooo much better..

were trying to treat this like medication which it is. im giving my patients a half pound each and then any more medication they need for the year after that is supplied to them for dirt cheap...

im done arguing with you. your a hypocrite


Well-Known Member
yes you can this shit needs to stop look at how MENTALY CHALLENGED DEA CHIEF is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw2wjrsdZSM&feature=plcp

These are the people causing the problems, and your one of the people supporting the problem by saying what they say is true when in fact they pull shit out of there ass.
Well I don't want to be the one hit in the face with the shit that they pulled out of their ass and serve time.


Well-Known Member
most of my neighbors weed they smoke this year came from last years outdoor and it was all free for them. i say its tax for growing by them and them having to smell it.... i mean who would want to smell GOD and not want a taste.
dude you give your neighbors weed to keep hush hush about your grow and they smoke it recreationally WOW and you think your better than me LMAO

i think weed should be legal to smoke for everybody, but right now we have medical patients and as far as i can see your the only one exploiting that! i try to stay as legal as possible and i have my own morals about prices of this plant and its medication and i feel i supply way way way way more compassion in my prices and what i give than any club or collective iv ever seen

i dont see how you have the nerve to say medical care givers deserve to be imprisoned and that we are exploiting the system


Well-Known Member
lol so you supply your "BUDDYS" with some weed to smoke for free... oh your sooooo much better..

were trying to treat this like medication which it is. im giving my patients a half pound each and then any more medication they need for the year after that is supplied to them for dirt cheap...

im done arguing with you. your a hypocrite
they are the only people i know that smoke ganja. i dont know any pattients that need weed. all the medical card holders i have ever meet were just abusing the system to make money and have a good time. I worked at a "club" in friant, CA (the hemp shop) i swear to you out of 1000 patients only about 7 or 8 really needed weed, the others were around 18-25 years of age and just smoking for a good time.


Well-Known Member
dude you give your neighbors weed to keep hush hush about your grow and they smoke it recreationally WOW and you think your better than me LMAO

i think weed should be legal to smoke for everybody, but right now we have medical patients and as far as i can see your the only one exploiting that! i try to stay as legal as possible and i have my own morals about prices of this plant and its medication and i feel i supply way way way way more compassion in my prices and what i give than any club or collective iv ever seen

i dont see how you have the nerve to say medical care givers deserve to be imprisoned and that we are exploiting the system
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin

Growing cause its legal or not is stupidity. LIBERTY OR DEATH ill take nothing less


newbie kicks ass!
nearing 7' tall, and she was born on 6/26/12. Outdoors everyday, full sun with lots of TLC and Miracle Grow!
My very first grow, seriously. I got grief 2 weeks ago in the newbie section, probably deserved, about my "Jolly Green Giant". Can't wait for the little buds to turn into flowers.
