who thinks she is ready?


Well-Known Member
here is my plant at day 57 i have started flushing i will do this for 7 days she will be at day 64 then how ready do you think she will be then i think the timing should be right but im allways prepared to learn something new


Well-Known Member
wow that looks AWSOME!! did you top the shit out of that plant???

man keep us updated.. SOrry i cant help you to tell ya if its ready or not.. but damn looks good to me .. :)


Active Member
Nice bush. What kind of light are you using? Anything less than 600w for flower will take a little longer to finish up. You are close though... imo 2 more weeks and those trichs should be nice and amber. You could chop it as you planned(day 60 something) but the yeild and potency will be a little less. I emphasize the word little. Depends on the high you want, some people like to chop when trichs are clear, some like cloudy trichs, me I like them to be 70% amber for that knockout stone! So I wait. Also depends on the strain you grow and so many other variables but most growers determine ripeness by trich color. All a matter of personal preferance. My advice, start flushing now for 2 weeks and watch those fan leaves feed and blow those buds out crazy! Those buds still have some fattening up to do. But with all that said you can still flush for 1 week and chop at day 60 something and you will still have waaaaaay better bud than what you buy on the street. You have to dry and cure it right though. Sorry for the rambling...Kush tends to do that to me.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ramble away bro yeh at the minute im having the odd ripe lookin low bud for my daily smoke am going to wait as long as poss for the final chop


Well-Known Member
shes really close...fucking looks like your poured a bunch of sugar on those buds....looks so fucking tastey i want a sample! Trade you for some hawaiian =)


get a very good magnifying glass to see the trichs or a microscope. if they are 50% percent cloudy-amber right now then after you flush for a week it would be perfect to harvest, im sure you know that. nice crop man. she looks ready but i don't know. nice job though