Who thinks Herman Cain's 9/9/9 plan is nuts?

Is Herman Cain's plan a good idea

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Well-Known Member
So it's a stepping stone to the Fair tax, fucking awesome. I knew that's where he really stood, the fair tax allows allows a cost of living deduction, right out of the gate of about $20k. Family of four with two working parents making $24k each end up paying almost nothing. It also ends the embedded taxes you pay on EVERYTHING. Didn't see anything in the article you linked to about social security or medicare.

You should actually go to the library and read "The Fair Tax" instead of listening to the MSM and the Dems, they are FLAT OUT LYING about what is in it.
Here it is...first paragraph:
Cain proposes to scrap the current tax code and replace it with a flat 9 percent tax on personal income, a second 9 percent tax on corporate income, and a third 9 percent tax on sales. It also would eliminate the payroll tax, which funds Medicare and Social Security; the estate tax; and capital gains taxes

I'll try to find The Fair Tax Who wrote it?
I don't listen to either party. always look for independent sources. What is MSM?

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Under the Cain plan, people would no longer pay into the Social Security system. Most Americans have 7.5% deducted from their paychecks to pay for Social Security and their employer also pays a 7.5% "contribution" for their employees. If one is self employed, or an independent contractor as I am, we are currently paying the entire 15%. This would end.

Under the Cain plan there would be NO sales tax on USED items. I suspect that prescription medicine and food would be exempt as well. This would protect the poor. With a national sales tax everyone would have some skin in the game.

I like the 9% corporation tax. It would make us a competitive power house in the international business community.

I like the 9% sales tax. It is the tax of free men. A sales tax is an excise tax and is completely constitutional (Article I, Section Eight).

I don't like the 9% income tax. In a truly free society, it is none of the government's business how much a citizen makes, how the citizen makes it, or how the citizen spends it, as long as another citizen's rights are not violated in the process. Just think what it would be like if the IRS were to be dismantled. The private sector spends 550 billion every year just to comply with the IRS tax code ... not to mention living in fear of tax audits.

Cain almost has it right with his 9-9-9 plan.

And for those who've been following the action closely, have you noticed how the media and the Republican establishment are attempting to foist Romney on us? He'd be just another big government Republican hack. He will stand with Obama care, amnesty for illegals and he's Anti Second Amendment as well.

All you need to know about Romney is that Christy, another liberal in Republican clothing, immediately jumped in to throw his support to Romney.

Cain made the statement that his favorite Fed chairman was Alan Greenspan. Want to know why? Pick up a copy of Ayn Rand's "Capitalism The Unknown Ideal." and find out. Contained therein is an essay that Greenspan wrote in 1966 that covered the importance of a country maintaining a gold backed currency in order to maintain liberty. If you think Ron Paul has it right, Greenspan's essay is a must read. I will admit however, and I bet Cain would admit it also, that Greenspan fell off the wagon in his later years as Fed chairman ... but I'll bet Cain was thinking of the "old" Greenspan when he selected him as his favorite Fed chairman.

There are three conservatives to consider in this race; Cain, Bachmann and Newt.

Check it out.


Oh Gee, It ain't fair, It ain't fair.... I guess I'm the idiot here. At 18 I worked a full time and two part time jobs. I did that for 3 years. I saved enough money to open my own business. I went from 60 hours a week working 3 jobs to 80 hours a week working 1 job. A couple of years of that and I could afford to hire some help. Didn't even think about bringing kids into the world until I knew I could afford to raise them. I mean raise them WITH OUT food stamps, welfare and sucking off the gooberment. Now I'm making a few bucks and my wife and I are comfortable. I'm still working 40 plus hours a week and sometimes still clean the toilets at the business but I'm happy. The only thing that's pissing me off is some of you assholes wanting to redistribute my wealth. You talk about legit businesses not paying enough taxes? You have no idea what your talking about. How about the coke dealer making 50,000 a week or the high price hooker making 10,000 a week. They pay NOTHING. Get a clue, don't have kids if you can't afford them. It's not my job to raise them. I raised mine. Fuck it, I'm going to smoke a bowl and go to sleep for a few hours on my mattress stuffed with all that money you think should be redistributed so I can get up and go to work.

Hey asshole and I really mean that with everything I got in me everyone don’t have 5k to invest and don’t go saying oh it’s their fault you loser because some people in this world lives paycheck to paycheck and they can’t take 5k and not pay their bills or feed their kids to try and invest and maybe get a return you doughnut I hate people like you your too stupid to actually think do you really think that everyone in this world has the same opportunities as you. Here’s a suggestion take the money you got from your investment and invest in a drug that makes you smarter.

Coming from a person who isn’t living paycheck to paycheck.


New Member


Well-Known Member
I guess if the coke dealer and prostitute's make that much i guess There is a lot of demand,,,Ya' know they are supposed to report there income and be taxed,,,guess they found a loophole.
Also,,,I worked my ass of growing up too,,,still do. But A lot of people are in different situation's Than you or I had,,,Yea,,, You made with the support of us,,,Supporting you. Be Thankful not Hateful.


I really don't think Herman Cain will do anything to the taxes. He is just spouting his BS to get in office, just like the guy we got in office now.

This guy (Herpman Durp Cain) has absolutely no backbone, and will lie his way into position. He seems to be doing very well at it because some people appear to be falling for it.

Call me crazy, but give me the long list of polticians out there, that are not conniving little demons? Yea, this guy is on that list too, don't fall for his shit.


New Member
LoL really, that should be enough that he lies repetitively to make himself look good, right to anyones face, seriously...you should draw the line at that...but then the fact hes an economic hit-man in addition to his 666 plan..you should really think....hmmmm maybe this guy isn't on our side...

And now Ron Paul was entrusted by congress unanimously to audit the Federal reserve...So the Good Dr Paul opens the first closet and out falls 9 TRILLION DOLLARS IN AID TO FOREIGN BANKS AND CORPORATE INTERESTS..........

So hes got 9 trillion dollars in bodies in the first of hundreds of hidden little rooms and you guys just want to tell him to stop Opening doors...Herman Cain doesn't even think its important....

Do you get it!??!? Herman cain is a fucking economic hit man.....I oughta smack all of you upside the nogin for even thinking about Herman Cain..you obviously haven't really looked into it....Hes the former FED chairman in kansas and hes already got his pick for the federal reserve chairman...and he likes Alan Green Span the one who started this mess in 1999 - Yet he can't tell us who his picks are even...WoW...

Hate to break it to some of you but glenn beck has only got it half-way figured out, If glenn beck had it figured out he'd be all over this like pepperoni on pizza, his little chalk board would have the other side of the corporate media Rupert Murdoch, and how can he be soooo against the FED yet never talk positive about Ron Paul the front man in the fight against the FED....but noo, hes either just a fucking moron, or hes paid to divide us..or a little of both.


I guess if the coke dealer and prostitute's make that much i guess There is a lot of demand,,,Ya' know they are supposed to report there income and be taxed,,,guess they found a loophole.
Also,,,I worked my ass of growing up too,,,still do. But A lot of people are in different situation's Than you or I had,,,Yea,,, You made with the support of us,,,Supporting you. Be Thankful not Hateful.
I'm not hateful at all. All I'm saying is that I don't care if people in their 20s have a PHD in anything. They still start from the bottom in the real world. Don't expect a 100,000,000 a year job just getting out.