Who the fuck is Dr. Oz?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know who the hell this guy is? My lady wants to go to a convention in vegas in a couple months as says, "it's selling out fast", I don't know who he is, or whether his contributions to medicine are significant... or if he has any.

He seems to be just some lame doc that exploits his TV audience, but I'm a cynic.

I think the convention is specifically about this health supplement line, so that's why it makes me think it's just some scheme to make money.

Is this guy a quack or does he know what he's talking about..?

I don't want to watch any of his shit and have read a bit about the guy... he supposedly told people to take the swine flu vaccine, which is whack.


Well-Known Member
not sure if he knows what hes talking about but honestly a dr on morning/daytime tv, on non primetime channels doesn't inspire confidence.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know who the hell this guy is? My lady wants to go to a convention in vegas in a couple months as says, "it's selling out fast", I don't know who he is, or whether his contributions to medicine are significant... or if he has any.

He seems to be just some lame doc that exploits his TV audience, but I'm a cynic.

I think the convention is specifically about this health supplement line, so that's why it makes me think it's just some scheme to make money.

Is this guy a quack or does he know what he's talking about..?

I don't want to watch any of his shit and have read a bit about the guy... he supposedly told people to take the swine flu vaccine, which is whack.
he is the asshat doctor who appears on oprah show ..i really hate oprah ..lots of b/s and just a lilttle truth ..

edit: basicly he is probably paid to say what people want to hear..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i see a lot of shit talking but no one actually spouting any facts. i don't have any facts either, i'm just making an observation. i hope this was helpful. really though it's just some show on fox during the day where they talk about medical crap. how to combat heartburn and have shiny hair and shit like that. i don't know whether thy guy is a "quack". just because he was on oprah does not make him a quack but i get the point. i just never saw so much shit talking for what appears to be no known reason...what the hell did the guy do that sucks so bad?


Well-Known Member
:? No one called him a quack (fake doctor for those who didn't know)

But I did find this while searching his name:

I didn't want to show it to the lady because stuff like this would cause a huge argument... and by no means did I see all the parts and I can't account for each and everything the guy says but I think even this bit speaks volumes...


Well-Known Member
yea not to talk shit. i dont watch oprah. i have no facts other than he is bought and paid by oprah so that loses alot of cred in my book..