Who Smokes Before They Work Out?


Well-Known Member
ive try'd it before but Honestly i never work out as hard when im high. I prefere to work out sober because i love to experience the intensity not numb it. BUt than again ive been working out since i was a little kid so i take it very seriously.

When i would work out high i almost wanted to laugh at certain people. they just seemed hilarious at the time lol. Also you dont feel pain like you do sober so for me it was hard to really get a good pump. The pump is the key to a good workout... I wanna go lift right now! haha


Well-Known Member
i mean, its great to get started high, but u cant do any cardio and the high wears off like 5 minutes into the workout
Maybe the initial high but i'd say the high would last about half as long as normal.

Being high to me is all about focus. weed definitly enhances my focus. your focused when your high but when you become unhigh is when you begin to lose the intensity of your focus. hense why im about to smoke up in 15 mins ;)


Well-Known Member
i guess there is a few factors at play here. i smoke a sativa haze before i go, typically during the car ride, so i dont really even get high till i enter the gym.
for me, smoking and working out is like meditating. i have never been so focused on lifts before, where I can actively fire the appropriate muscles. i have my greatest workouts while high, and surpassed what i normally do.

my room mate has the same experience. the assumption here is that you have some weed that is a sativa and gets your mind racing vs. a stony indica.


Well-Known Member
also the endorphins released cancels out the come-down from smoking for me, so i feel great naturally the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
Oh i almost always smoked after a workout...Unless it was a hard cardio day, then i might wait a few.

....Honestly I dont grow my own around here and i buy from multiple people so I have no idea what im smoking at the time. everything is based on price around here its insane. A heavy indica fresh ounce of blueberry ran me 500. Purple 525. ... Dank isnt cheap around here. But ill be starting a grow in the next month or so. Should be fun. A small 3x3x5 closet grow with 600 watts. Ill be happy with 4 ounces, but i want moreeeeeeee

..anyways im high right now so im babling... Ill try to grow some sativa outside in the woods. Maybe it will enhance my intensity at the gym? ;)


Well-Known Member
i dont know why u guys like that
working out would be the last thing doing when im high , really dont see how thats fun


stays relevant.
Y'all work out?

I have the body of a Greek god, and I don't have to do any extra activity... It's those good viking genetics! :)


Well-Known Member
I cant smoke within two hours of going to the gym. All I ever have is indica so i just turn lazy as shit in the gym if im high.


Well-Known Member
ahaha i smoke and then jump on my iron gym pull up bar thing i bought at the mall for 25 fuckin bucks. its the total workout ahahh


Well-Known Member
I hate people like you, growtech.

I never smoke before I work out. But I do have a bong ready and packed by the time I finish. I love to smoke while my blood is pumping. The high hits so much harder and faster.


Well-Known Member
Y'all work out?

I have the body of a Greek god, and I don't have to do any extra activity... It's those good viking genetics! :)
Even those with awesome genetics can make themselve better. There is ALWAYS room for improvement... The question is why not improve thyself? :hump:

....Unless your one of the few who feel exercise is a form of self masterbation (Think Fight club). Then i'd understand were your coming from ;)


Well-Known Member
I hate people like you, growtech.

I never smoke before I work out. But I do have a bong ready and packed by the time I finish. I love to smoke while my blood is pumping. The high hits so much harder and faster.
Sometimes when i smoke after a workout I get sooooo restless. Like i just have to do something while im feeling as good as I am.


Well-Known Member
I love smoking before a work out. Specifically cardio stuff. It doesn't make sense, I know. Nothing in life is finer than taking a couple good rips and going on an insane bike ride. Lifting? Meh....