who plays 360,ps3, or pc games


'yes im a ganja planter'
come on which of you stoners play games whats your favourite console you play and games

right now im playing world of warcraft again dont know why lol


'yes im a ganja planter'
yh ive got ps3 and 360 and i have alot of games for 360 as its flashed and cod 4 is really good i cant wait for gta4 tho


Well-Known Member
Counterstrike source and battlefield 2 and special forces myself and a bit of call of duty 4 at work.


Well-Known Member
only warhawk n motorstorm right now psn Thee_Assassin, also use pspiso.com it has any console chat game dls music dl application dl film dl you get it


Well-Known Member
PS3 all the way! ok ya servers suck at times but im just waiting for battlefield bad company. COD4 right now.

bush basher

Well-Known Member
yes im gettin gta4! not sure to get it for the ps3 or 360 tho! psn sYmUnKy 360 i'll pm if ya wanna know. playin cod 4 and frontlines on the 360, simpsons and sonic on the ps3 (basicly not as good online as the 360 so its downstairs for the missus. oh and bluray!