Who Ordered Seeds Recently?

I live in the states and this is who I used. The guys who run it are on the 600 thread all the time. I absolutely love what I ended up with. And no I don't work for them.
Be careful on bashing Attitude seeds with green tape. Its all a conspiracy don't you know. LoL
Being nabbed doesn't mean they won't get their orders. Yes, you tried to order an illegal item from out of the country.... its going to get nabbed once in a while.

Attitude doesn't WANT to send you twice the merch..... the fact that they will for a nominal fee is pretty good PR.
Being nabbed doesn't mean they won't get their orders. Yes, you tried to order an illegal item from out of the country.... its going to get nabbed once in a while.

Attitude doesn't WANT to send you twice the merch..... the fact that they will for a nominal fee is pretty good PR.

Once in a while?
Way to contradict yourself. You were spreading false hope stating that if you purchase insurance from them you will 100% not be confiscated or flagged by customs - Well ok.. maybe it will get nabbed BUT you will eventually get it. Yet some people are straight up getting refunds b/c they just can't get the package through no matter what. I wouldn't want my address being flagged 2 maybe 3x by customs. Regardless if I got a refund or on the 4th 5th time it made it through. The damage would be done.

Make up your mind.
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I never said that insurance keeps your packages from being confiscated, I said it makes delivery 100% (meaning if it is confiscated you get refunded) your illiteracy is hindering your ability to form an argument asshat.

Your literally too stupid to intake valid information from my posts without twisting them into something you can find some miniscule point to continue arguing about.
I never said that insurance keeps your packages from being confiscated, I said it makes delivery 100% (meaning if it is confiscated you get refunded) your illiteracy is hindering your ability to form an argument asshat.

Your literally too stupid to intake valid information from my posts without twisting them into something you can find some miniscule point to continue arguing about.

It doesn't make delivery 100%. Being refunded is not delivered! To stupid to take valid information? LOL All the quotes and posts to back up everything I have said and here you are chasing your tail trying to find another angle to come at me. You have done nothing @ all to back up what your saying. Do you even know what you are talking about?? What point are you trying to make? I am still trying to figure this out.

So your whole point to all these threads and topics is

You will 100% get your packaged delivered if you buy the insurance. That is your whole point to everything, no??

So if that is your point, I have already directed you to a thread (recent) where somebody purchased seeds and insurance and was shipped 3 different times. All nabbed by customs. So Attitude finally gave up and gave them a refund? So you consider that 100% delivered? LOL

So this is your point right? LoL

If this is your point LoL I can see your point... not being valid. It makes no sense what you are saying.
You pay for insurance, its supposed to guarantee your delivery, right? well... if customs keeps nabbing orders from attitude.... then it's really not delivery is it? and yes, they can give you a refund, but... its still not delivered... so... ?
Lerediscoverypost: 10989051 said:
You pay for insurance, its supposed to guarantee your delivery, right? well... if customs keeps nabbing orders from attitude.... then it's really not delivery is it? and yes, they can give you a refund, but... its still not delivered... so... ?
Refund OR redelivery. Very important to understand redelivery. It means to keep sending a package, until said package has made it to its destination. Therefore, if you opt for (choose) redelivery, then yes 100% success rate.

They also have stealth options according to their website, which you should visit, read and reread... and possibly (&probably) read once more thereafter.

Then once you have an actual understanding of their policy, come back and attempt to have an intelligent discussion.

Bengi and Hydro, i believe you guys were on the same page. I see where the misunderstanding came in at. Hydro if im correct, you were asking if anyone paid insurance and still Did Not get their seeds at all? Theres that word nabbed which means seized. Thats either way it goes. But indefinate as to not recieved at all though insurance was paid. Am i right? If so sometimes the emphasis of typing can be misconstrued or taken out of context. Because both of you laid out some important facts that at the end of the day needs to be taken into consideration. You both argued great facts that even i was naive to so thanks to both of you. Im asking also to keep this thread peaceful if possible. Peace GROWERS and much love bros and lady growers.