Well-Known Member
If i were to take the female plant in the picture below and throw it outside right now on JULY 5th and leave her outside will she revert back to veg state or will she keep flowering ..i LIve in NC.this plant unfortuinalty i didnt inspect hard for sacks which would be a herm. i thought i saw one but i maybe wrong .ill wait a couple days to check again to make sure ..Please let me know if not i have to hurry up and cover her somehow before its toolate cause my closet is lights out for the night and dont want to go in their at all can always check out my very 1st grow journal ...Link is down below...she is a little bent over cause i bumped that top into the door jam bringing her outside
It will convert back to veg if you put her outside should thoroughly inspect her when the lights come on, you may have mistaken a pollen sac for un-opened calyxes...