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Well-Known Member
I had a few minutes and was bored, I miss helpin but you have been doing a great job
thanks dude! yea man Im not as good as you , I get overwhelmed by all the questions!! Then I just ditched out for a bit...lol I got alot going on too, prob. wont be able to help for much longer... :( trying to start a company.. and save up as much $$ as possible..


Well-Known Member
Ive actually got a question for you riddleme.. what causes "foxtailing" I have 2 plants that are doing it.. Is it just genetics?


Well-Known Member
Ive actually got a question for you riddleme.. what causes "foxtailing" I have 2 plants that are doing it.. Is it just genetics?
got a pic of it?

there are several theories, #1 is heat and #2 is it is related to salt build ups that get flushed out and then new growth resumes, #3 it is a recessive gene

have you recently flushed???
Well if your just using thier bloom nutes it should not be happening??? perplexing

at any rate I would flush and not feed em for a week (other than just water) and see if they perk up
they were feed three days ago with the ff and just water today so ill keep an eye and feed with water. oh how do you track your post hear?


Well-Known Member
got a pic of it?

there are several theories, #1 is heat and #2 is it is related to salt build ups that get flushed out and then new growth resumes, #3 it is a recessive gene

have you recently flushed???
no havent flushed.. temps are at like 75 but one day while i was gone reached prob. 90 but only for a few hours... my soil sucks as u know.. ill get a pic up tomorrow.


Active Member
hello! i tried searching the forum for something about re-using a plant which is ready for harvest. Ive got a uk cheese on the go (rare so i've heard) it was something that got passed about but i've got the last one, none of us want to lose it, but its ready for harvest, would there be a way to harvest buds but save the main stems so it could hopefully grow new shoots and leaves? i guess theres a reason for harvesting stems and all, but if it means saving the plant i'd sacrifice the quality.

Bang, first post!


Well-Known Member
hello! i tried searching the forum for something about re-using a plant which is ready for harvest. Ive got a uk cheese on the go (rare so i've heard) it was something that got passed about but i've got the last one, none of us want to lose it, but its ready for harvest, would there be a way to harvest buds but save the main stems so it could hopefully grow new shoots and leaves? i guess theres a reason for harvesting stems and all, but if it means saving the plant i'd sacrifice the quality.

Bang, first post!

yes you can re-veg a harvested plant check out the last pages of my Goin Loco grow I did it in 3 weeks and there are pic's


Well-Known Member
no havent flushed.. temps are at like 75 but one day while i was gone reached prob. 90 but only for a few hours... my soil sucks as u know.. ill get a pic up tomorrow.

Yeah I'm kinda curious as to whether we are calling the same thing foxtailing

my definition would be new mutated bud growth, ie; stretchy calyxes with new white hairs


i have a 2 weeks old plant and im afraid that one of my neibors will see it so i want to grow it fast and to be short so do you have any good tips? :)


Well-Known Member
Thought I would go back and look for unanswered questions

I just transplanted my plants about 3 days ago into bigger pots with better soil hoping it would help them grow but since i put them outside about 10 days ago they havent grown or made any improvment.. i water them everyday and have them coverd a bit passed the clover leaves... its a bit chilly out at night and windy during the day am i watering to much or why arnt they growing?? i have one in my closet that was started at the same time and its probly 4 times bigger....
When moving plants from one enviroment to another it needs to be done gradually to allow the plant to adapt, a wam bam change stresses and stunts the plant

Help save a seedling....

she went from this to this (see pics)

any ideas to save this seedling, want it 2 veg. nice...

tyView attachment 936311View attachment 936312
Pic's are not showing, invalid attachments

How much molasses should be used when flushing?
Your choice, there is no rule most folks mix 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water and be aware that it lowers ph

Does anybody read this?
I read it everyday and I'm pretty sure others are subscribed, but it is not a paid answer line the folks that help out here have lives and are not sitting at thier computers drooling while waiting to answer questions

HELP A NOOB PLEASE/Have books, but need some answers please

Want a big fat cola bud hope I get a female out of these to not pollinate

This is my first plant that I have grown. I have before and after pics, healthy in the first I believe then appears to be dyeing in the second picture. The soil is 3/4 top soil and about 1/4 moo-nure. I also have been using miracle grow when I watered, now I only use distilled water to try to get it back on track. I also have 12 more seeds in soil in grow cells germinating, two of the 12 just show the white root on the soil, should I keep these in the dark untill the seedling stage starts or leave them under grow lux florescent to get them to the veg. stage. I plan to buy a HPS/MH setup for veg./flowering phase. Im a noob so any comments or ideas to save this plant would be appreciated. please view my pics and give me some grow ideas...

Is it bad to move potted plants from inside to outside??? should I let my new babies veg. outside ever??View attachment 936495View attachment 936496View attachment 936497View attachment 936498View attachment 936499
your pic's also saying invalid attachments and I discussed changing gardens at the top

el tio

Active Member
iight..so here my 4 new plants.. they were in the same pot for about a week and half o maybe two..i tanspanted them like 3 o 4 days ago and one is doing grate o think.. but the other 3 they dont look so happy to me..they are still small and not so healty looking i think..some help here will be apresiated..what should i do..why u guys think they like that..? dont kno..

sorry for my english but im from puerto rico.. spanish is my first lenguage..


Well-Known Member
pic i has a little seedling in a big pot,,,bad idea, it would do better in a smaller pot to start

pic 3 has weeds growing in the pot, makes me question the soil you are using???

they simply look like they need some nutes to me, are you feeding them???

iight..so here my 4 new plants.. they were in the same pot for about a week and half o maybe two..i tanspanted them like 3 o 4 days ago and one is doing grate o think.. but the other 3 they dont look so happy to me..they are still small and not so healty looking i think..some help here will be apresiated..what should i do..why u guys think they like that..? dont kno..

sorry for my english but im from puerto rico.. spanish is my first lenguage..

el tio

Active Member
im not..the soil is earth from my backyard..ive allways used earth from my backyard and they all seem to be fine.. but not these time..and why is one way bigger if they all the same time and they were in the same pot..?? also it has been raining a lot these week..u thing that might has something to do..??


Well-Known Member
im not..the soil is earth from my backyard..ive allways used earth from my backyard and they all seem to be fine.. but not these time..and why is one way bigger if they all the same time and they were in the same pot..?? also it has been raining a lot these week..u thing that might has something to do..??
Regular backyard soil can have problems and should be sterilized before using

Yes lots of rain can cause problems, the plants need a dry time to get O2

and as I said yours want food, they are hungry

el tio

Active Member
so what about the big ones..? two plants have the last two fan leaves at the botom turning yellow..? what could that be..could it be because of the rain to?