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Well-Known Member
well does your roof have black shingles on it? black + sun = no good for plants or roots

look into guerrilla growing my friend, i was going to take guerrilla growing to the extreme and grow up into a tree but i never got the initiative to climb trees, clear brush and build my platform, but i did have a good plan

buy a bag of reggies to get your seeds out of; ive seen some really nice plants come out of bagseeds


Active Member
i used sterilized animal urine in a mixture before and distilled it, but didnt think about how acidic it would be and i think it fucked my plants hard. be careful but it can be done. it would help to have a Ph test kit and Ph up and down
so if i can water it down and have correct ph it should be okay ? or i have some baby bio and tomorite laying around will they be okay ?


Well-Known Member
okay, well i don't know how you get them out a bag, must me missing something in my thoughts..
What about using a hydroponic's system as my first grow?
also what do people think about growing on my roof? its appears to be the only place?
am i really asking for trouble up there?
Have you ever bought a bag of weed and found some seeds in it while you were cleaning out some to smoke? If you did find a seed then you now have a bag seed.


Well-Known Member
so if i can water it down and have correct ph it should be okay ? or i have some baby bio and tomorite laying around will they be okay ?
heres a nice article i found on google that illistrates what im tryin to say

one thing i didnt read there though was that it is important to have a healty diet when harvesting your own urine. if you eat shit food all the time your urine will not be good. if your a junkfood eater (like most potheads) then this is not for you. if you have a balanced diet full of natural foods rich in fruits and veggies then you should be golden


Active Member
heres a nice article i found on google that illistrates what im tryin to say

one thing i didnt read there though was that it is important to have a healty diet when harvesting your own urine. if you eat shit food all the time your urine will not be good. if your a junkfood eater (like most potheads) then this is not for you. if you have a balanced diet full of natural foods rich in fruits and veggies then you should be golden
ha thanks for the help much apprieicated +REP ..


Well-Known Member
thats what im here for; any time im here ill help if i can

most of the time there are others to help, and people who know about hydro
just not this morning i guess


halo kaleoxxx. i was wondering if you could answer a question or 2 for me. i have two plants growing in my closet. 1. Blueberry/White Widow 2. Hash Spice. they are under a 400W hps light and i am feeding them organic nutrients. they are 1 month and 10 days old. i turned the lights to 12/12 5 days ago. they have been growing nicely so far with few problems. but i came home the other day and the blue widow plant top 4 inches of the stem was leaning over almost at a 90 degree angle! i tied it over night to a hook on the closet wall and untied it this morning and its fine again. does you have any idea why this might have happened to my baby??? thanks for the replies


Well-Known Member
del i think i already answered this question today, but i cant find my answer for the life of me

i say dont worry about it. the plant has a slight chance of herming due to stress, but if not then hey, you just supercropped by accident!

my only guess as to why it happened is because perhaps the top is putting on weight that the plants stem was not ready for?


My roof is sleight grey and i have about 1,7kmx6m of it tbh, my house is the only house on the street and all the other houses are flats with flat roofs with no access to the roof, me the only one, i could do a lot but its my first time so going to start off small,
so as i say grey slatish coloured roof, obviously not slate,
is it okay?
and im unfamiliar with guerilla gardening what is it?


Well-Known Member
type guerrilla gardening into google and follow the first 2-5 links tha come up, all good sources. sry i cant be more helpful ATM juju, im just drained. and no i still would not advise growing on your roof. i mean you can try it and prove me wrong if you want....

im signing out for now, i feel exhausted from answering my share of questions this morning.

that dosnt mean not to ask them, im sure someone will come along and answer them for you. if not ill get to em when i return


Well-Known Member
I had to conceal my plant for three days in a cardboard box, when i planted it outside it showed pistils and went back to veg state. I'm wondering what will happen, will it reveg and be healthy? will it become a hermie? will the bud be less potent? will it take longer?


Well-Known Member
will it reveg and be healthy? yes it should

will it become a hermie?
no it shouldnt

will the bud be less potent? absolutely not

will it take longer? yes, it will be slowed down a bit while its REvegging


Well-Known Member
heyy everybody,
im just lookn for a few opinions to help make up my mind lol
i have a Super Silver Haze mother plant, and clones going. and a blue dream seedling tht will be a mother soon.
but i just took a road trip, and got my hands on some seeds of some good strains.
i kno that every single person has a diffrent opinion/experience on every single strain out there... haha
but i wanna hear em all =] lol im thinking of budding the SSH mother, and maybe the blue dream seedling? so tht i can switch up to the new strains, (cuz IMO there "better") but the new seeds are LA confidential, and affgooey. opinions on quality/quanity/potency/difficulty would be MUCH appreciated!!
im pulln out my hairs thinkn of wut i shud do? haha


Active Member
Hi, I am setting up a budda grow tent (100cmx100cmx200cm) using nft system, only doing 4 plants using 600w. I have an extracor fan and carbon filter, can anyone advise me wether i need to buy another fan for air going in or will a desk fan be enough? I will be growing from seed and would also like to know when they are ready to go in to the tank to start veg how often will i need to feed them? I did 28 plants before and almost every two days the water in the tanks was drunk and i refilled feeding everytime, i believe this was a mistake lol! as the end result had a funky taste even though i flushed them lol! any advice would be much appreciated : )


Well-Known Member
hey scott,
howd you cure the last batch? you may have taken a wrog turn somewhere ya kno. dont wanna mess with the food if thats not the problem bro.
IMO 90% of the taste/smell comes from the cure, not how it is fed or grown =]
i mean obviously thts a factor, but only 1 factor...


Well-Known Member
hey scott,
howd you cure the last batch? you may have taken a wrog turn somewhere ya kno. dont wanna mess with the food if thats not the problem bro.
IMO 90% of the taste/smell comes from the cure, not how it is fed or grown =]
i mean obviously thts a factor, but only 1 factor...
spot on dude.. I found that it has to do alot with drying also.. have a fan in ur drying room.. not pointed at the bud though.. I use an air puriefier.. let them dry upside down for a min. of 4 days.. then cure for a min. of 2 weeks.. they should be smelling good by then.. also make sure you get the majority of leaves off


Hey i'm new and was wondering if i had 140 watts of hps (two 70watt ballast) is that sufficient for a 4 plant grow. and how close should they be? thanks for the help guys ^_^

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
If i've been flowering for about a week can I throw my plants back into veg for a little longer without any problems? I moved them to a bigger pot and they are getting huge compared to what they were so I would like to veg it out a little longer for more bud sites if possible.


Well-Known Member
BF&S you could reveg if you wanted to but it will add more time to your total grow days. its no prob to reveg, but remember that they have already gone through a bit of flowering stretch and they will do it again when you decide to reflower. remember plants can stretch up to 2-3X durring the flowering phase