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OK soo..i have 4 black jacks in my closet flowering. I bought the cheapest 400watt light system HTG sells and now im paying for it. My lights are scheduled to go on at 4am and atleast three mornings i've woken up to the light bulb trying to turn on but just not getting there. Anyways i called htg and they say the light bulbs are defective (two different bulbs) so theyre sending me new ones. We'll see how that works. My questions are there have been three days where the "dark period" of the day was extended more that 12 hours. maybe even close to 18 hours a couple days. Looking at the plants i dont really see anything wrong except possible a lil growth stunt. Has anyone had this happen to them?..where there negative results? Also i have 3 clones and i have been keeping them under a cheap 4ft flourecent and theyve been doing ok..but not great. If i started putting them in my flowering closet for 12 hours under the 400wt hps and then back to the flourecent for 12 hours could it still trigger flowering? And lastly 3 of my black jacks are similar in structure..they all have 1 large long main cola while one of them is much different. it is shorter for one and where the main cola is on the others there is a cluster of colas?? i didnt train any of the plants any differently. and i havnt been growing long but i've never seen it. there is maybe 4 bud tops growing out of the top but verry close together. idk any theories? thanks much
try to keep it at 12 hour, 3 times should not hurt but could, plant can try to reveg or worse turn hermie, darkness would be better till you get your lights

it is not a bad thing to gently expose plant under less light to more light but the timing of this needs to be consistant

and finally, you are simply seeing a different genetic pheno, much like a couple having a child with red hair and one with brown,
nothing wierd about it


Active Member
thanks riddle. pretty much what i thought was just worried i pray for no hermie or reveg. thats what i thought the different shaped plant might of had going on. i'll try to post some pics of my blackjacks flowering tomorow morning. i dont know if you remember them but you helped out a lot in their early stages. theyre looking good and startin to get frosty.


Well-Known Member
thanks riddle. pretty much what i thought was just worried i pray for no hermie or reveg. thats what i thought the different shaped plant might of had going on. i'll try to post some pics of my blackjacks flowering tomorow morning. i dont know if you remember them but you helped out a lot in their early stages. theyre looking good and startin to get frosty.
glad to hear it!


Active Member
had someone tell me tat you can bury the stem as deep as you want n the plant will stay alive n grow new roots as far up as it is buried, you kno anythin bout this???


Active Member
this is true, and a reccommended fix for stretchy stems
o well tats wonderful news, as i just pulled a few old burnt leaves off the bottom of my lil darlings. thank you man, definately trust your word!!!++++ well wut on earth, said i gotta spread rep around before i give you anymore!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
riddleme when u asked how often do i water the 8 fl ounces I do it once a day about 30 minutes after i turn on my lights......correct???


Well-Known Member
riddleme when u asked how often do i water the 8 fl ounces I do it once a day about 30 minutes after i turn on my lights......correct???
that would be way to much for a seedling, be more like every 5 days (up to 7)

but this is why we tell folks not to put seedlings in big pots

because overwatering IS THE #1 NEW GROWER MISTAKE


Well-Known Member
so it is still a seedling even after the first true leaves?? i thought thats when the veg stage started....but so would you reccomed not watering for 7 days and then another cup or should i go on another schedule


Well-Known Member
you should water when the soil drys mostly

you can find out if the soil is dry by testing the weight of the pot or by feeling the soil about 2 in down

starting in a 5g pot is rare, but you certainly dont need to be watering daily


Well-Known Member
so it is still a seedling even after the first true leaves?? i thought thats when the veg stage started....but so would you reccomed not watering for 7 days and then another cup or should i go on another schedule
It is still a seedling till it matures (technically) and seedling is not a stage, and this next bit is very important,,,,,,,,,,
if you truely want to be a grower then you have to take the word schedule out of your vocabulary, there is NO schedule to follow for watering and feeding 7 days is not the answer (I said up to 7 days) you have to learn to read the plants and give em what they need when they need it!

I thought becase it was a big container 5gal that i should give more water
exactly why it causes the overwatering problem

anyone got any ideas on making a inline fan lol without spending 80pounds on one at the hydroponic shop?
Don't know where your at (talking pounds for currency) but Home depot has em for as low as $24 and if you do a google for "inline duct fans" there are several that come up in the $27 range, just about any store will be cheaper than a hydro store


Well-Known Member
haha riddle

didnt you know those britts hate it when we tell them to go to walmart or home depot

im pretty sure ebay and craigslist are world wide; i would start there


Well-Known Member
It is still a seedling till it matures (technically) and seedling is not a stage, and this next bit is very important,,,,,,,,,,
if you truely want to be a grower then you have to take the word schedule out of your vocabulary, there is NO schedule to follow for watering and feeding 7 days is not the answer (I said up to 7 days) you have to learn to read the plants and give em what they need when they need it!

exactly why it causes the overwatering problem

Don't know where your at (talking pounds for currency) but Home depot has em for as low as $24 and if you do a google for "inline duct fans" there are several that come up in the $27 range, just about any store will be cheaper than a hydro store
ok thanks...anyway i just bought one from hydro shop,,70pound lol kinda dear for a fan but oh well,,,ive hooked it up in the bottom of my tent with ducting going to my window so ive got fresh air sucking in to the tent now:)..its a 5"inline fan...so ive now got a 5" inline bringin fresh air in and a 4"exhaust fan and filter sucking out,,,so now ive got fresh air coming in will the temp be ok at 29degrees?thanks man
ok im pretty new to growing, so far ive had horrible luck with my seedlings. a couple lil answers could certainly be helpful...first could a low humidity prevent or stunt growth?? i maintain between 70-80degrees F which i kno is good but my humidity is around 25%. also i bought a timer but was a lil baked n lost the instructions. basically im askin does my light cycle have to be the same times and same length of time everyday? ex: one day i might have my lights off 4pm-10pm n the next day have em off 10pm-midnight. is that a really bad thing im doing?? im not home the same times everyday to turn the lights on/off manually...i needa figure out this god damn timer. BTW im runnin a 600watt MH with a couple of 6500k CFLs i turn on sometimes. sorry i kinda just rambled on there lol but any advice and suggestions would be much appreciated. thank you


Well-Known Member
ok im pretty new to growing, so far ive had horrible luck with my seedlings. a couple lil answers could certainly be helpful...first could a low humidity prevent or stunt growth?? i maintain between 70-80degrees F which i kno is good but my humidity is around 25%. also i bought a timer but was a lil baked n lost the instructions. basically im askin does my light cycle have to be the same times and same length of time everyday? ex: one day i might have my lights off 4pm-10pm n the next day have em off 10pm-midnight. is that a really bad thing im doing?? im not home the same times everyday to turn the lights on/off manually...i needa figure out this god damn timer. BTW im runnin a 600watt MH with a couple of 6500k CFLs i turn on sometimes. sorry i kinda just rambled on there lol but any advice and suggestions would be much appreciated. thank you
You probably want to get the humidity up, 50-60 percent would be good. may need a humidifier. I don't think that in itself is the cause of your problems germinating any seeds.

Definately want to get the timer figured out. You want the lights coming on and going of the same time every day or you will cause major stress on the seedlings also.