wut does it mean if the leaves on my plant start to rise towards light? it looks like all the tips r pointn directly at my light... does that mean watern time? cuz snow its only been 1 day n my soil is already dry n these big ol pots not jus the topsoil either around 3" b4 i feel nethng close to moisture
When your plant needs water it will look like it needs water. It becomes wilted.
Plants are not children. They don't reach up at you going "Bah-Bah. Bah-Bah."
Your plant is reaching for the light, finally, because that is what plants do. The leaves are actually trying to get as close to the light source as they can because they are looking for more energy.
And you just don't get it... do you? LIFT the MFing planter!!!! It is the last time I am going to tell you. Stop poking your finger in there. I very much doubt you have any idea of what actually dry soil looks and feels like, so your determination here means jack.
The top 3 inches don't matter. The whole soil, every bit of it, needs to get to nearly dry. LIFT the planter. Lift it! This will tell you how much water is left. When the planter is outrageously light it will be time.
Your tiny little plant isn't drinking all that water. There is still plenty of water beneath the surface for your plant to find. Encourage your roots to search out moisture and this will benefit your plant.
But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a greenhouse, utilizing just the suns light?
Or is this hours of late spring/ early summer enough? The day lasts about 16 hours and so the plants can receive 16 hours of light a day. Is this actually just good enough for veg. stage?
Outdoor growing is not indoor growing. They are EXTREMELY different when it comes to light schedules.
Outdoors plants don't have an "8 week finishing time." They veg as the daylight hours increase up to the Summer Solstice. After the Solstice the number of daylight hours per day begins to decrease and this indicates to the plants that it is time to flower.
Different locations on the globe will get different light hours. Up here in Oregon I'll get nearly 17 hours of daylight at one point, and this is the same latitude that indica varieties originated in over in North India, South China and Afghanistan. This is the natural light schedule these plants are accustomed too.
So if you'd like to add more light, some people do, then you can if you choose. It doesn't "defeat the purpose" of using sunlight. When the sun goes down, they keep the party going, that is their purpose.
good question dave i just home from work this morning and one off my plants was doing the exact same thing i was thinking of asking the question in here.my plants are only like 4 to 5 inches tall right now but one off them has all its leaves pointing straight up in the air the other five are laying all nice and pretty i did notice a little yellow coloring on the end of my leaves on the one that is pointing up.ive never fertilized them yet i started them in miracle gro moisture control soil now i know hardly anyone in here likes miracle gro products but i didnt know that and they were already in the dirt but the reason for never fertilizing them is the soil had nutes in it and they have been lookin good so i was gonna wait till i thought they needed it.
hope someone can give some insight about this and if it is something to be worried about.
time get ready for work check back in morning....peace all.
Your plants definitely don't need food. MG w/ moisture control is among the worst soil available.
I mean, good luck to you, but unamended MG soil is probably going to kill your plant. You'll have problems with soil acidity, fertilizer release rates, and water retention.
But like I said before. This is what plants will do.
You guys are probably so used to your plants looking all over watered and droopy you're just not accustomed to what your plant is supposed to be doing.
And really guys, you are weeks into your grows. Things are obviously not going well. I think it is time you guys stopped asking questions and got back into research mode. The first few days of life are really hands off and having such a slow start... With all these mistakes that could have, and should have, been avoided. I dunno... I know personally I would be frustrated that I didn't have the proper education before getting started.
Here are the first 5 weeks of a group of plants' lives. Getting to this point takes little more than lighting, good temperatures, and PROPER watering habits. It really is that simple, you just have to know what lighting, temperature, and frequency to use. So figure out those 3 foundational skills and you can have plants that actually grow too.
Day 1
Day 4
Day 9
Day 14
Day 19
Day 21
Day 24
Day 27
Day 30
5 weeks from Hatching.