Who likes to take naps?


Well-Known Member
I'm having a nap now. It'll be about a pound...I mean an hour. Is it just me getting old or do you guys and gals like to take naps too? I feel so much better after. I just put on a fan for some white noise and cover my eyes and I'm out like a light. See you soon. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
I'm having a nap now. It'll be about a pound...I mean an hour. Is it just me getting old or do you guys and gals like to take naps too? I feel so much better after. I just put on a fan for some white noise and cover my eyes and I'm out like a light. See you soon. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Nap! Did someone say........Zzzzzzzzzzz.


Well-Known Member
i do not nap I barely sleep through the night But if it's daytime I'm not sleeping:blsmoke:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Unless I've had drinks for lunch, I couldn't nap if you paid me. A million bucks and it would still not be possible. I used to have enforced naps until I was about 10. Hour every afternoon. My brothers and I were a little too, ah, let's say we didn't stop to over think a situation. Or think about it at all. Only way my ma could get a nap of her own knowing the house would still be in one piece when she woke, except for my bedroom that is. I don't nap.


Well-Known Member
it's actually proven that if you take a nap in the middle of the day you get REM sleep quicker than when you goto bed at night, so instead of an 8 hour sleep cycle, you could get away with like a 5 or 6 and then a 1 or 2 hour nap


Well-Known Member
Nice responses. Yeah when I was a kid mom put me and my sis down at the same time. Then she'd come back to find us in adjacent cribs using our own excriment as ammunition to throw at each other. Yes we were very close then. Too bad she turned into a coke addicted thieving bitch. Wonder if she takes naps now?


Well-Known Member
I am super active and according to Mom, Never napped (big surprise three) but I wish I could take about a 20 min napper each day. I think it's healthy to recharge. I just can't. Even when my kids were babies (who never napped either) I'd try to put them down and "ok quick take a nap too" and it never worked. That is the biggest lie of parenting incidentally. Nap when the kid naps...

But I digress. It takes me at least 30 min. to just relax enough to get sleepy to FALL asleep. And then I will crash for 2 hours, going into a deeeep sleep, wake up crabby and tired the rest of the day. Nope, not possible for me to be a napper. I have done it successfully only a handful of times and those 20 minute siestas are indeed refreshing. Just wish I could be able to do it regularly


Well-Known Member
Used to nap as a kid after eating. Now I only nap if I'm feeling sick, injured or ate too much on a hot day. Don't really feel god waking up after a nap though. Weed can get me very sleepy during the day, but not enough to take a nap. Unless some real ripe indica's, but I grow mainly sativas :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Love naps. The best ones are outside in nice weather.

Whats nice weather? I forgot..:cry:
But when it does show up I love a 20 min power nap in the backyard! I've also ad a few cocktails at night listening to the twins while sitting around the fire and woke up 3:00am


Well-Known Member
You got that right dannyboy.
It's one thing to just stay up for a long time, but a whole different ballgame when you can't sleep. The brain just goes into dumbass mode, and the body just flat out says F-you. LOL