Who knows where Bonify got the pot it shipped out to meet demand? Not investigators


Well-Known Member
To insecure and intolerant to handle disagreement, eh?
Not at all, Sparky. I just don't see the point of arguing with someone who refuses to accept that others may have differing views.
You continuously try to cause conflict and accuse others of things like racism over comments that don't involve race. You go out of your way to be a drama queen. You either have a mental illness or you are just a troll - normal people don't act the way you do. Whatever, you are forever labeled a troll on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Because a stranger on the internet says so? That speaks volumes about where your own self-esteem stands. No, this is not the highlight of my day. Is it yours?
nope ............. not at all..just trying nicely to point out the crap coimn out yer yap is all..(:
keep on track with your ideas and quit trying to raise a fuss with yer dim wit
;) Just admit POISON SHWAGS or BUYING POISON SHWAGS or SEEDS from an entity who tried to destroy patients rights...is wrong!! lol

YA??Think? :lol::idea:(:

Not in my life time ... Mr SELL OUT! (: