Who is your favorite president of all time?

some real shit from JFK

"What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, and the kind that enables men and nations to grow, and to hope, and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time but peace in all time."
He`d be broke by now if he didn`t play his cards right.

Bankruptcy is an option many business owners chose to make, it does not erase your credit.

Being completely stupid and not having "Trump" as a last name might make some dimwits go through ALL their money. It is true The Donald has increased his trust fund money from a few hundred million to billions, and I don't diss him for that. However, the way he went about it, is not noble, smart or worthy of recognition. He is a personality, that's all he is.

And you are absolutely right, bankruptcy does not get rid of any of your credit. Nobody ever said it did. And nobody would ever file for removal of credit, that would be stupid.
Bankruptcy does not erase ALL your debt, but it does effectively erase some. There were a couple types of bankruptcy back when he did them, he used the methods to get out of debt.
JFK was another weak smelly POS probably was the worst American president of the previous century.

In retrospect, he spent his 35 months in the White House stumbling from crisis to fiasco. He came into office and okayed the Bay of Pigs invasion. Then he went to a Vienna summit conference and got his clock cleaned by Khrushchev. That led to, among other things, the Cuban missile crisis and a whiff of nuclear apocalypse.
Looming over it all is the American descent into Vietnam. The assassination of Vietnam's President Diem on Kennedy's watch may have been one of the two biggest mistakes of the war there. (The other was the decision to wage a war of attrition on the unexamined assumption that Hanoi would buckle under the pain.) I don't buy the theory promulgated by Robert McNamara and others that Kennedy would have kept U.S. troops out. Sure, Kennedy wanted out of Vietnam -- just like Lyndon Johnson wanted out a few years later: We'll scale down our presence after victory is secure. And much more than Johnson, Kennedy was influenced by General Maxwell Taylor, who I suspect had been looking for a "small war" mission for the Army for several years. Indochina looked like a peachy place for that -- warmer than Korea, and farther from Russia.

(As a side note, there's another coup that JFK supported earlier in 1963: the Baathist one in Iraq that chucked out a pro-Soviet general. Events in subsequent decades obviously are not Kennedy's fault, but it still is interesting to look at the documents. Here's a State Department sitrep from, of all dates, Nov. 21, 1963: "Initial appraisal cabinet named November 20 is that it contains some moderate Baathis. Of twenty-one ministers, seven are holdovers from previous cabinet, thirteen are civilians, four are from moderate Shabib-Jawad faction of Baath (Defense -- Tikriti; Communications -- Abd al-Latif; Education -- Jawari; Health -- Mustafa) and a number of technician-type civil servants." Did you notice the name of that defense minister? I think this might have been Saddam Hussein's uncle.)

Anyway, I think his track record kind of makes even old Herbert Hoover look good.
JFK was another weak smelly POS probably was the worst American president of the previous century.

In retrospect, he spent his 35 months in the White House stumbling from crisis to fiasco. He came into office and okayed the Bay of Pigs invasion. Then he went to a Vienna summit conference and got his clock cleaned by Khrushchev. That led to, among other things, the Cuban missile crisis and a whiff of nuclear apocalypse.
Looming over it all is the American descent into Vietnam. The assassination of Vietnam's President Diem on Kennedy's watch may have been one of the two biggest mistakes of the war there. (The other was the decision to wage a war of attrition on the unexamined assumption that Hanoi would buckle under the pain.) I don't buy the theory promulgated by Robert McNamara and others that Kennedy would have kept U.S. troops out. Sure, Kennedy wanted out of Vietnam -- just like Lyndon Johnson wanted out a few years later: We'll scale down our presence after victory is secure. And much more than Johnson, Kennedy was influenced by General Maxwell Taylor, who I suspect had been looking for a "small war" mission for the Army for several years. Indochina looked like a peachy place for that -- warmer than Korea, and farther from Russia.

(As a side note, there's another coup that JFK supported earlier in 1963: the Baathist one in Iraq that chucked out a pro-Soviet general. Events in subsequent decades obviously are not Kennedy's fault, but it still is interesting to look at the documents. Here's a State Department sitrep from, of all dates, Nov. 21, 1963: "Initial appraisal cabinet named November 20 is that it contains some moderate Baathis. Of twenty-one ministers, seven are holdovers from previous cabinet, thirteen are civilians, four are from moderate Shabib-Jawad faction of Baath (Defense -- Tikriti; Communications -- Abd al-Latif; Education -- Jawari; Health -- Mustafa) and a number of technician-type civil servants." Did you notice the name of that defense minister? I think this might have been Saddam Hussein's uncle.)

Anyway, I think his track record kind of makes even old Herbert Hoover look good.

hmm i guess i was wrong; Kennedy " okay-ed" the bay of pigs invasion but it was clearly another CIA plot ; not sure how much he truly supported it. actually alot of what you are mentioning has to do with covert operations and the CIA. presidents have no interest in wars. those who advise them do though. besides; like i said; kennedy was assassinated. the government killed him. which means he was excellent and on to something great. the enemy of my government is my friend.
JFK was another weak smelly POS probably was the worst American president of the previous century.

In retrospect, he spent his 35 months in the White House stumbling from crisis to fiasco. He came into office and okayed the Bay of Pigs invasion. Then he went to a Vienna summit conference and got his clock cleaned by Khrushchev. That led to, among other things, the Cuban missile crisis and a whiff of nuclear apocalypse.
Looming over it all is the American descent into Vietnam. The assassination of Vietnam's President Diem on Kennedy's watch may have been one of the two biggest mistakes of the war there. (The other was the decision to wage a war of attrition on the unexamined assumption that Hanoi would buckle under the pain.) I don't buy the theory promulgated by Robert McNamara and others that Kennedy would have kept U.S. troops out. Sure, Kennedy wanted out of Vietnam -- just like Lyndon Johnson wanted out a few years later: We'll scale down our presence after victory is secure. And much more than Johnson, Kennedy was influenced by General Maxwell Taylor, who I suspect had been looking for a "small war" mission for the Army for several years. Indochina looked like a peachy place for that -- warmer than Korea, and farther from Russia.

(As a side note, there's another coup that JFK supported earlier in 1963: the Baathist one in Iraq that chucked out a pro-Soviet general. Events in subsequent decades obviously are not Kennedy's fault, but it still is interesting to look at the documents. Here's a State Department sitrep from, of all dates, Nov. 21, 1963: "Initial appraisal cabinet named November 20 is that it contains some moderate Baathis. Of twenty-one ministers, seven are holdovers from previous cabinet, thirteen are civilians, four are from moderate Shabib-Jawad faction of Baath (Defense -- Tikriti; Communications -- Abd al-Latif; Education -- Jawari; Health -- Mustafa) and a number of technician-type civil servants." Did you notice the name of that defense minister? I think this might have been Saddam Hussein's uncle.)

Anyway, I think his track record kind of makes even old Herbert Hoover look good.

"JFK was another weak smelly POS probably was the worst American president of the previous century"
LOL. i can list so many better fucking war criminals first. you must be joking. regardless; that statement has zero validity to anybody that is not a sociopath ;)
Being completely stupid and not having "Trump" as a last name might make some dimwits go through ALL their money. It is true The Donald has increased his trust fund money from a few hundred million to billions, and I don't diss him for that. However, the way he went about it, is not noble, smart or worthy of recognition. He is a personality, that's all he is.

And you are absolutely right, bankruptcy does not get rid of any of your credit. Nobody ever said it did. And nobody would ever file for removal of credit, that would be stupid.
Bankruptcy does not erase ALL your debt, but it does effectively erase some. There were a couple types of bankruptcy back when he did them, he used the methods to get out of debt.

Defaulting on debt gives you credit, but it`s bad credit, I think if you take the bankrupt route, you can avoid that. Bad credit kills businesses. It`s offered for a reason.

I know a guy that took that route with his construction business, he had to turn it over to a management firm. His employees, were spared the pink slips for at least a year. That`s not a bad thing for a boss to do when he failed financially.
Well Trump is is saying it like it is , i respect that although his hands are going to be tied i think he will stir the pot for the better .. My fist Agenda would be Make Hillary return all the dishes and silver she stole from the Whore house.. hahaha then second would be shutting down Clinton's company and sending both of them to jail or better yet hang them for treason
What happens when black men stop thinking with their wallets and dicks and get a life so as not to be the world leaders in gangsta activity ? Who should go after gangsters, doctors, firemen, janitors ?

Maybe one day they will actually pull their fucking pants up too.

See how easy it is to explain blacks being killed by cops ? But You wouldn`t understand,....

"In 2011, Hispanics accounted for 46.2% of all U.S. gang members, African Americans for 35.3%, whites for 11.5%, and Asians for 7%.[28]

Law enforcement agencies reported in 2011 that gangs affiliated with ethnicity and non-traditional gangs have expanded in recent years"

World leaders of "gangsta activity" huh? hahaha......You know what gangs we dont fuck with on the west coast? Asian gangs. Ill walk through Oakland alone at 4am no problem.... its not Blue and Red Im afraid of....its Orange and purple. The brothers MIGHT roll you for your shoes if you act like a mark, but if you offend those honor roll student, asian gang guys they find you bled out in the back of a warehouse somewhere in china town.

And by the by....im not hearing about Hispanics getting blown away left and right and they are roughly 50% of the gang community in the united states....
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