who is really holding it down

who's holding it down

  • mid west

    Votes: 39 18.5%
  • west coast

    Votes: 84 39.8%
  • east coast

    Votes: 28 13.3%
  • down south

    Votes: 19 9.0%
  • not usa

    Votes: 41 19.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
what strains you got,that are not in circulation:clap:
The Best Marijuana Seed Banks as of Sept 12, 2008 are:

Rating Out of 10


Our Seedbank Comments

BC Seeds is our TOP PICK.

We have ordered many strains including what we found to be the best Medical Mix, Sour Diesel, Galaxy God Bud. Very reliable with a great selection of seeds including feminized seeds. They have been around since 1999 and are run by honest ethical people. They offer 100% Delivery Guarantee, which is very rare to find in this industry. They are well known for their SPEEDY Email RESPONSE, SPEEDY SHIPPING, fair prices and high germination rates, often at 100% with mostly females.. they are really, really fast at shipping and very discrete. They don't accept credit cards, but who wants to leave a paper trail anyways? They only accept cash and guarantee your cash order if you use tracking. If your worried about ordering online, these guys are by far the best and they have the cool BC Bud Genetics! Creators of the famous Galaxy God Bud.

Another reliable site going through a big dutch company named Amsterdam seeds. Good Dutch Marijuana genetics although most Dutch Seed Banks use the same old clones that are starting to lose their vigor, DutchSeeds.com always has a good selection of strains. They have been around a very long time and you never have to worry about getting ripped off. Sometimes they accept Credit Cards, depending on the political Climate in Holland.

Feminized seeds are always in demand but Female Seeds always takes the time to make sure the quality of it's seeds are it's first priority unlike many other seedbanks. paradise-seeds.nl sometimes gets you more hermies cause of the scale of production and lack of quality. If you want 100% females then I would buy from femaleseeds.com rather than from anywhere else. We reccomend ordering Feminized Train Wreck, this is some potent cannabis!!

This is not the Soma Seeds company from Holland. It's a Canadian based company with some of the finest genetics. We still think they should change the name of their company because many get it confused with the one from Amsterdam. And we have send them an email and they replied proptly, but they refuse to change the name but are willing to add something on thier webpage stating they are Candian, not the one in Holland.
If your looking for organic and killer medical cannabis genetics, don't look anywhere else. Shipping is fast (within 48 hours) and size and THC quality is very stabilized. Highly reccomended for all medical patients. We gave it a 9.5 outta 10 only because the costs are slightly higher, but the few extra dollars per bean well make up for the size and quality of the plant you'll get, so we can't really complain.

Very good UK seedbank. They resell name brand seeds, so they don't have full control over the products, but the guy who runs this site is ethical and you can trust him. They also accept Credit Cards.

A small yet reliable seed bank that grows good solid strains on Vancouver Island. We only gave it and 8 outta 10 because the selection is small, but the customer service is awesome, and the beans they do have are really good. Fair prices, honest people. We reccomend!

Peak Seeds is a LOW COST BC based seed comapany. Good prices and FREE SHIIPING. If you don't care so much about quality, then they are your best choice. Cash or money orders if you order more than $101. Honest people if your sending cash. If you want to try multiple strains on a limited budget, then we reccomend ordering here, and once you find a favorite strain.

Sensi Seeds is one of the oldest seedbanks. We have ordered many times and many strains and we find other seed banks to have better potency. Maybe it's because they spend most most of thier money on advertising, not producing quality genetics. The packaging is very high qulaity and the seeds are good, we just feel you can do better with BC genetics. Still they are a good solid comapany.

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Well-Known Member
Let's Talk About Seed Prices
Marijuana Seeds from good genetics and good breeders are very high in demand. The demand is so high that if you see seeds selling for under 65$ for a pack of ten, they are usually junk. Marijuana growers pay a minimum of $80.00 per 10 pack. If they are selling for much below this amount, the seeds are sure to be of poor quality. Why would seedbank companies sell seeds for $45 that would easily sell out if the were asking $100 per 10 pack? It's because the $45 seeds are unstable, from bad genetics or the company is going to take your money and run and not send you anything at all. A normal price to pay for really good genetics is 75-120 per 10 pack. This is a very fair amount of money. If you grow from good genetics, you actually save money. Think about it. If you buy cheap seeds with bad genetics and pay $4.50 per seed and the plant only produces 150 Grams of low quality bud when finished.. how did you save any money? If you paid $10 per seed and you get 2.2 pounds of buds of the utmost highest quality per plant... isn't it worth the $5.50 per seed for two extra pounds of buds with four times the THC quality? Another consideration is your grow room. Cheap seeds have poor stability problem. This means that if you plant 10 seeds of the same strain, the plants that grow will not be uniform, they will vary greatly in height and pheno types. The buzz will have varying high's and potency from plant to plant of the same strain. The un-uniform plant will grow taller and hit your light and make your grow room inefficient. To get the buds to grow on the tall plant and on the short plants of the same strain indoors will cost you aproximately $63.00 extra in electricity to run your grow lights. So we HIGHLY (punn intended) RECOMMEND that you grow ONLY from STABLE SEEDS that cost a few extra dollars. These few extra dollars save you HUNDREDS and save you headaches.

Let's Talk About Feminized Seeds

Feminized seeds are a great alternative for growers that want to safe money. Feminized seeds cost more, but they also make you more money when purchased from honest Feminized Seed Breeders. Most Feminized companies are in it for the money and sell you Hermaphrodites Genetics. But if purchased from the right source, you can save so much time and money because you don't have to flower your plant that are both male and female. I'll give you a quick lesson:

Marijuana Gentics, Male and Female Pants

Marijuana or Cannabis Sativa / Cannabis Indica reproduces when the female plant show it's pistels and collects pollen from the male plants pollen sacs that open up and release pollen into the air. Seed production decreases the production of THC. So smoking sensimilla bud (seedless marijuana) is by far better. To avoid pollinating your crops, you can grow using feminized seeds.

A Word About Feminized Genetics
Not all strains of Marijuana can be feminized. Certains strains (very few) can actually be feminized without turning hermaphrodites (a plant with both male and female parts) Don't buy Feminized Seeds from a Company that has over 5 Feminized Varieties. Only a very few strains can be Stabilized Feminized, and it takes many years to create truely Feminized Seeds. The Majority of Feminized Seed Companies sell REALLY BAD GENETICS that SCREW UP YOUR MANY YEARS OF BREEDING. If you are marijuana breeder, make sure you only buy your feminized seeds from http://www.femaleseeds.com ... I repeat, only buy from this company as they have mastered the art of feminizing cannabis seeds. The big seed companies you think you can trust have the worst feminized seeds. They produce feminized seeds that are over 50% hermaphrodites. So you pay way more extra and still get male genetics in what is supposed to be 100% female plants and you get really messed up hermaphrodite Pollen messing up your sensimilla bud (seedless marijuana) and if you are growing to breed seeds, this hermaphrodite pollen will totally destroy your stable genetics and you'll have to start years of work all over again.

We Highly recommend growing in organic soil with the optimum pH between 6.5 to 7.2. Soil produces the best marijuana flavor and I personally think it is much healthier. But growing with this PH range in soil has it's downfall... mold and pests feel very comfortable in this PH range. But the extra effort is well worth the final product.
Commercial growers always use a Hydroponic system because they have to stay competetive. Hydroponics shortens the flowering times by at least 1 week using Indica Strains, and can shorten the flowering times by up to a month growing Sativa Strains. This saves the commercial grower time and money because they do not have to pay electricity for the extra time to power the indoor grow lights. Marihuana is great to grow hydroponiclly because it's preferd pH range of 5.3 to 5.9 is hostile to most bacteria and fungi.
Unfortunately most marijuana smokers have only smoked Indica Strains because they have the shortest grow times compared to Sativa's. and this tends to be the only strains your dealer grows because of the costs involved to grow Sativa is much much higher than Indica's. Some of the best uniques high's and medical marijuana strains are 100% sativa or sativa hybrids. The problem is you can't buy these strains from any grower or dealer. So the best way to find another world of cannabis high's is to grow your own from seeds:hug:


Well-Known Member
they have everything...
fuck the midwest with these fbi fucks... alll this meth and they was to bust pot heads .. kick in their door.. question there employers.. stake and follow people from house to house, untill weed is found and then bust in that house.. fuck any states that arent decriminalized... neb is about iit in the midwest..


Well-Known Member
they have everything...
fuck the midwest with these fbi fucks... alll this meth and they was to bust pot heads .. kick in their door.. question there employers.. stake and follow people from house to house, untill weed is found and then bust in that house.. fuck any states that arent decriminalized... neb is about iit in the midwest..
you are not lie'in about all that s%*t ass meth in the mid west:othese fu*&ing zombies:o


Well-Known Member
i got a strain called megastickydankalot top that shit mofo
how do you get it sone sticky like that.. its like a brick almost.. hella sticka ... that shit is bomb.. i like that chocolate colors and fat leaves.. i had some one time. my dealer said it was from africa and it was called black magic.. hella bomb.. id pay hella for that .. what is it????? plus reps..


Well-Known Member
my last grow.. bitches .. better that all yo shit.. i dont even give a fuck right now . haha rep that 420 all day.. 808n da house c city killa cityl. yao


Well-Known Member
i sold that gold chain for some purps ... lol that shit funny lol naw dog thats my shit i made it.. i call it 'hella stacks'