Who is flowering with CFLs?


Well-Known Member
yeah mine look like that but not as many of the leaves just ones like within an inch of the ballast


Well-Known Member
yeah mines in a closet too and I just situate the lights where their the ballst nor bulb are too close too the leaves but still give goodl lighting ( it can take some while )


Well-Known Member
I just got a regular box fan ( on medium speed ) inside my closet blowing on the plants and it stays around 85 in there but they still seem to grow fine, I'm actually in my 3rd week of flowering and got some nice looking bud starting to form. I don't have a camera or I'd show ya. But these are not ideal conditions rather just experimenting


Well-Known Member
my leaves won't curl even in with such hot temperatures until I get the ballast or bulb too close.


Active Member
K I got a temp thing, I put it in my closet, Temp with fan on reads, 76.3 degrees below it, It says 31% Which I believe is humidity. Is that good?

And my lighting, I have 2 cfl lights one 100 watt, and another like, 150 watt, Plus a grow light I got from wal mart, 74 watt Am I on the right track?


Well-Known Member
Picked up some nutes for the first time in the CFL grow. It's been on flowering photoperiod since day 36. On day 60 I picked up my nutes from the store and applied them full recommended strength. The next day my plant definitely started flowering female. The white pistils are shooting up at every node. My only concern now is my 4 CFL's. They are all above the plant. What about the buds on the bottom? My plant is so bushy from pruning the light doesn't get through the leaves to the bottom so much anymore. And even if it did, it's too far away to do any good. Maybe I will get more and put the lights on the side of the plant to get into the bottom of the canopy. There are plenty of bud sites, but I'm concerned about light being a factor of bud size. When I start getting big buds, would it be more beneficial to keep the light closest to the buds, or the leaves? I don't know if the buds absorb light or if the leaves still do. If it's the leaves, I can throw two of the 4 bulbs I have now on the sides and the other two stay on top. any opinions? I'll post pictures soon so you can see my bud sites. It already smells of sweet skunk, when smelling the pistils directly. It's great and I'm glad it's female. I will probably keep flowering for about a month, right?