Who here reads

Awesome brother. i now have a good place to start as the gentleman who made the suggestion said he couldn't nail it down to one in particular that i should start with. (He's rather fond of ALL that Friedman has written.)
Awesome brother. i now have a good place to start as the gentleman who made the suggestion said he couldn't nail it down to one in particular that i should start with. (He's rather fond of ALL that Friedman has written.)

The first one is a collection of his essays that is rather short, so it's good for getting a feel for Friedman's books. That was the first of his that I read and I read it at the same time as I was reading Ron Paul Revolution.
LOL I'll never spend $250 on a damn book.

Appreciate the suggestions guys. Try including a description about the book and why you think its good!

It's 250 and its a paperback that sold for 1.50 when it came out

Really is the funniest book you will ever read though
After you tear through the books you purchased, I would highly recommend two books by the most astute "REAL" Constitutional scholar out there today. I don't listen to his radio show very often, but his views on the SCOTUS and what the progressive movement is doing to the US right now, are as insightful as anything you'll find. I've watched a few of his debates against so called progressive constitutional scholars and it was a sight to behold, reduced them to ashes.


I've watched a few of his debates against so called progressive constitutional scholars and it was a sight to behold, reduced them to ashes.

yet all you can do when we pwn you is cry and throw a hissy fit and call us suicidal dipshits.
Im thinking about picking up a copy of the protocols of the elders of zion, but im undecided, I've heard it is a forgery
I'm reading these two books currently, you may like them..

1. Between two ages, Americas role in the technetronic era by Zbigniew Brzezinski.

2. The oil and the glory, The pursuit of empire and fortune on the Caspian Sea by Steve LeVine.
yet all you can do when we pwn you is cry and throw a hissy fit and call us suicidal dipshits.

I think you're a little bit delirious UB. I can't recall a single argument you've made for progressive goals or legislation that I didn't completely disassemble using common sense and/or evidence of it's abject failure. I guess you consider a few of your fellow liberal lemming, barking seal supporters agreeing with you, pwning me. Enjoy the delusion.
Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman
The Road to Serfdom by FA Hayek
Money, Method, and the Market Process and Human Action: A Treatise on Economics by Ludwig Von Mises
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity by John Stossel
Freakonomics by Steven Levitt

When you pick up a copy of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, be careful, there are some editions that are abridged and do not mention it. The Bantam paperback is good. You shouldn't have to waste your credit on Amazon for many of these books. Check local used book stores and Goodwill stores.