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books about politics? I got a gift card for my birthday and I'm sitting on amazon about to buy a few books. Right now I have Federalist Papers, The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking, and Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea by C Bradley Thompson (heard this guy on the Jason Lewis show, had a lot of interesting things to say). I want one or two more books and I thought I'd ask the RIU political crowd for some suggestions. Plus, I think this would be a good thread to get more people on here to read and more deeply learn about the political realm :)

Please fellow Libertarians and Ron Paul supporters no Ron Paul books or Ayn Rand (I have them all). I have a lot of conservative (somewhat) books and would like one book from another POV. Just don't suggest one with anti "evil right wing" Koch brothers rhetoric.
books about politics? I got a gift card for my birthday and I'm sitting on amazon about to buy a few books. Right now I have Federalist Papers, The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking, and Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea by C Bradley Thompson (heard this guy on the Jason Lewis show, had a lot of interesting things to say). I want one or two more books and I thought I'd ask the RIU political crowd for some suggestions. Plus, I think this would be a good thread to get more people on here to read and more deeply learn about the political realm :)

Please fellow Libertarians and Ron Paul supporters no Ron Paul books or Ayn Rand (I have them all). I have a lot of conservative (somewhat) books and would like one book from another POV. Just don't suggest one with anti "evil right wing" Koch brothers rhetoric.

Read something from John Steinbeck
Dont waste your amazon gift card use that for grow stuff
Go down to your used book store or library and pick up a copy of "of mice and men" or The Grapes of Wrath
Read something from John Steinbeck
Dont waste your amazon gift card use that for grow stuff
Go down to your used book store or library and pick up a copy of "of mice and men" or The Grapes of Wrath

Lol, I don't buy anything for growing off of the internet. Plus I no longer grow at this apartment because I'm too paranoid about living next door to the building manager.
Lol, I don't buy anything for growing off of the internet. Plus I no longer grow at this apartment because I'm too paranoid about living next door to the building manager.

I feel for ya bro I really do
totally sucks ass
You can still buy dual use items
30x loupes USB microscopes
bubble bags
I like Sheri S. Tepper. Even though she's an eco terrorist feminist bitch bent on a goal of cutting off every man's dick.

The Fresco

Not political, but my favorite.

The True Game Trilogy

It's about real life chess, D&D style.
It's not really too political of a book, but Graham Greene's The Quiet American gave me an interesting perspective on life in general.
You should buy Glen Beck's book off of me...

He said that if I read the first few pages I would not be able to put it down. I was able to put it down.

He said that if I read the first chapter I would not be able to put it down. I was able to put it down.

In fact, I liked him alot less after that book.
You should buy Glen Beck's book off of me...

He said that if I read the first few pages I would not be able to put it down. I was able to put it down.

He said that if I read the first chapter I would not be able to put it down. I was able to put it down.

In fact, I liked him alot less after that book.

Every time he opens his mouth, I like him less. If I read his book, I'd probably like myself less.
Every time he opens his mouth, I like him less. If I read his book, I'd probably like myself less.

He lost me when I found out the truth of the rare earth mineral situation above and beyond the hype.

It has resurfaced recently in Obama's suing of China and crying to the WTO... Pathetic really.
Robert Mcnamara's memoir In Retrospect. I really like Michael Pollan although he does not write political stuff he has an interesting naturalistic perspective and view of the world like a modern day Thoreau.
wealth of nations by adam smith
ding ding ding!!!

You will learn more about economy and markets reading that book than 2 semesters worth of econ classes in some overpriced university.

The actual title is An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations