WHo here loves the governmnet?????


Well-Known Member
So im a super senior in highschool, and am taking AP us history and government. MY teacher is a political monster from south africa who probably knows more about politics than our fearless leader Obama. he recently opened my eyes as to how the way the government is today is not how our founding fathers wanted it to be for us. I mean im pretty sure that they didnt want us to be in so much debt that our grandkids grandkids will be paying for it, im also sure that the established the purpose of ferderal government is to manage the miltitary, finances, and foreign relations.and the government is doing taht today but they are doing it so shitty that its bringing down the country. Tehy also didnt think our taxes should have taxes on them which they do today. They also tried to take Goten's kids? how gay is that. I dont think the federal government realizes that they cant trample that rights of the people set forth by the constitution. I feel that our government can no longer be trusted whos with me?


Well-Known Member
They also tried to take Goten's kids? how gay is that.
They were sent out to Goten's house because they received a report of domestic violence in the house. They talked to Goten's kids, and went away, from what I read in Goten's thread. Doesn't sound that bad to me.

Especially not when you figure that there are kids out there who NEED to be saved from abusive homes.

A social worker showing up to take Goten's kids isn't the government's fault. His ex is the one who lied to get them there, I think it makes more sense to blame HER.


Well-Known Member
the goernment rocks! its that government you need to watch out for

glad to hear a teacher opened your eyes to how fucked up our world has become, now its figuring out how we can change something that will be a challenge


Well-Known Member
yeah, after they came and tried to take the kids, goten and his ex-lady had restraining orders on each other. or one on the other. and he wrote a letter to her, and he was arrested. this is as far as i know :-(


Well-Known Member
yeah, after they came and tried to take the kids, goten and his ex-lady had restraining orders on each other. or one on the other. and he wrote a letter to her, and he was arrested. this is as far as i know :-(
So...Goten chose to violate a restraining order and was arrested. Still doesn't sound like the government's fault.


Active Member
lmao can I be called leenyslut? cus that's such a cool name!

haha this site would be boring without these impersonators...


Well-Known Member
So im a super senior in highschool, and am taking AP us history and government. MY teacher is a political monster from south africa who probably knows more about politics than our fearless leader Obama. he recently opened my eyes as to how the way the government is today is not how our founding fathers wanted it to be for us. I mean im pretty sure that they didnt want us to be in so much debt that our grandkids grandkids will be paying for it, im also sure that the established the purpose of ferderal government is to manage the miltitary, finances, and foreign relations.and the government is doing taht today but they are doing it so shitty that its bringing down the country. Tehy also didnt think our taxes should have taxes on them which they do today. They also tried to take Goten's kids? how gay is that. I dont think the federal government realizes that they cant trample that rights of the people set forth by the constitution. I feel that our government can no longer be trusted whos with me?
I was pretty high during the entirety of my senior year, so I must have missed something - what the hell is a "super senior"? :lol:


followers that are too lazy to question anything. Just braindead zombies playing a giant game of follow the leader.
I was pretty high during the entirety of my senior year, so I must have missed something - what the hell is a "super senior"? :lol:
. A super senior is someone who is a senior twice, due to the harmful disease called senioritis.


Well-Known Member
It is a good thing, i mean im no expert, im just saying people need to wake up and smell what the hell the government is meddling with. and yeah senoritis sucks, im gonna try this year lol


Well-Known Member
I love the usa served it for 5 years spending 2 in iraq but i fucking hate obama and his policies its like giving a homeless guy a credit card and saying go he just spends spends spends and now he wants our kids to pledge their allegience to him what a crock of shit. Ive never seen a pres. Spend so much time on tv talking out his ass if he makes it another 4 years im gonna move to out of the country.