Who here has smoked a bud of a plant 5 weeks into flower???


like it sez it in the title? whos done it? was it worth it? also ive heard if you get that desperate you can actually rub a rizla paper on the leaves of the plant which are covered in crystals and just fill it with tobacco to get a little high? anyone else heard this?
thanks for replies


Active Member
One of the bucket systems I work with had 2 pots that died off at the beginning of 6 weeks.

The trichs were nowhere close to where they needed to be, but they yielded 2 oz of low grade smokable stuff.


Well-Known Member
like it sez it in the title? whos done it? was it worth it? also ive heard if you get that desperate you can actually rub a rizla paper on the leaves of the plant which are covered in crystals and just fill it with tobacco to get a little high? anyone else heard this?
thanks for replies
if your asking if its worth it to chop the whole plant at 5 weeks...hell no
if your asking will a 5 wk old bud get you high...Yes
Will it taste like shit...yes

If your going to take a sampler bud make sure you take one of the shitty ones on the lower branches. No sense wasting the nice ones.


ok so i actually did it! but i cut one of the buds in the middle of the tree in half because i dint see the need to take the whole thing off. but what will happen to that half a bus thats left on the tree??? will it continue to grow or just stay as it is and ripen with the others?????


Active Member
Its not wise to cut it down at 5 weeks unless you really have to. Bud will probz get you stoned but wouldnt be of any real quality and wouldnt taste/burn very well.