Who Has The Biggest Ass


New Member
Most Certainly Not You, Our Dreamry Go Go Girl.
Are You A Mean Zombie Annihilating Go Go Gadget Angel?

Mean Zombies
≠ Nice Zombies.


Why does the title keep changing from IS to HAS...
Shady shit goin on here

just fuckin with hippie ;).....

thread titles seem to be modifiable for at least an hour or two... followed by some mystic mountain magical philosophy circle talk......

seemed fun to me.... gin and monkeys

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
just fuckin with hippie ;).....

thread titles seem to be modifiable for at least an hour or two... followed by some mystic mountain magical philosophy circle talk......

seemed fun to me.... gin and monkeys
Hahah, i see now :lol:

I guess its good to point out what he really wants to say


New Member
My True Intentions Are Public As Written Here,
My Identity I Prefer To Keep Private.
Why The Threat From You, Too?
Are You Nominating Me For The Biggest Ass Award?
How Am I To Solve That Problem?