Who has the bestest of the best? And what is it?


Well-Known Member
I have the best dog!!!! His names Benjamin Linus, last year he took the rap for a bag I had. I love my baby :D



Well-Known Member
Nah, I think I got ya beat man..........
We got this guy from Animal Control, he was already house broken, knows all the basic 'sit, stay, speak, lay down, roll over, shake', but he also knows the silent hand signals, as well as the verbal 'back up, get on your rug, other paw, indoor voice'......... I didn't even have to teach him the 'crawl like a marine' like I did my last dog, but he definitely was abused by black females before I got him.
I distinctly can tell his apprehensive and fearful attitude towards them any time they come near, even my best friend's wife, as often as they come over............View attachment 2702059
He can somehow even turn a door knob by himself, and will come sneak into the bedroom, and curl up on the floor next to the bed, just to sleep there.:clap:


Well-Known Member
... but he definitely was abused by black females before I got him. I distinctly can tell his apprehensive and fearful attitude towards them any time they come near..
Sheiit, I'm afraid of black females too. I've seen a thousand fights and the worst I ever saw was two black girls in the eighth grade. Bitches tore each other's hair out, one of them lost a fingernail in the other girl's face (stuck in there), slappin, screamin, spitting, kicking, biting, whipped the principal's ass too when HE tried to break it up, they went through a plate glass window and kept fighting without missing a beat. Took four adults to pull them apart. Blood everywhere, clothes ripped half off. Shit was like a cartoon, waaay worse than Peter Griffin and the chicken. In the top ten was another couple of black girls in the projects.


Well-Known Member
Sheiit, I'm afraid of black females too. I've seen a thousand fights and the worst I ever saw was two black girls in the eighth grade. Bitches tore each other's hair out, one of them lost a fingernail in the other girl's face (stuck in there), slappin, screamin, spitting, kicking, biting, whipped the principal's ass too when HE tried to break it up, they went through a plate glass window and kept fighting without missing a beat. Took four adults to pull them apart. Blood everywhere, clothes ripped half off. Shit was like a cartoon, waaay worse than Peter Griffin and the chicken. In the top ten was another couple of black girls in the projects.
Ya, I remember a fight between 2 black girls when I was in jr high, they left like you said with strings of weave laying on the floor in the hallway, LOL

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ClaytonBigsby again.



Well-Known Member
Lol this thread turned into dogs and black chics lmao, I dont mind as long as the chics got big boo-tays!! :hump: