Who Has The Best Avatar?


Well-Known Member
Me too, it's amazing what different and lovely plants are out there. I am how ever still wondering about the damn fork plant, I sure hope that was a joke, cuz I feel bad for someone who actually might have thought they were doing great with that poor pitiful thing.

the fork plant is infamous. i sure wish growing passion was still with us. maybe he got busted?


Well-Known Member
I'd get on board with that, Arrid. But that one's too damned skinny! I bring you, zaftig (also zoftig). :D

And nude art.


Well-Known Member
Grown up Winnie's some kinda mathematical weisenheimer.

I vote for maryJdoes avatar. Made a monkey outta me, the big Gorilla!


Active Member
Weed was legal tender in the 1800's, and if you WEREN'T growing pot as a colonist, you could be jailed. WTF HAPPENED?!?!

Thats so kool is that real?

Yeah man, its real! Check out some of the speech's given about why weed is illegal.

YouTube - Why Marijuana is illegal (Part 1) (episode 1)
YouTube - Why Marijuana is illegal (Part 2) (episode 2)

Both total about 15min in length and are incredibly informative. I don't know why the guy who made the video made him a lizard, but he did. Enjoy the vid AND GROW MORE POT! bongsmilie