Who has gotten caught growing in there parents home?


Well-Known Member
This might be a fun thread to read,

How many people have been how caught and how they find your grow and how did they react


Well-Known Member
It was nice because after sitting down with my parents they said I can grow as long as I keep my mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
i got caught with 5 plants in 5 gal buckets on a hill side by my parents.... they cut em all down!!!!


Well-Known Member
Heh. Back when I was thirteen (I'm 22 now) my mom found a little flat in my closet with a few seedlings and a cfl hanging up there.... She poured bleach on them and didnt say a word.

Now, she has her medical card, and I help her grow her limit every year. :D

Token Everyday

Active Member
i got caught by my mom she came in and smelt it and then she asked me if i was growing she didnt care much but when she smelt it she new what was up haha good ol mom


Well-Known Member
Heh. Back when I was thirteen (I'm 22 now) my mom found a little flat in my closet with a few seedlings and a cfl hanging up there.... She poured bleach on them and didnt say a word.

Now, she has her medical card, and I help her grow her limit every year. :D
hahahahah she probably told you that story too. Fucking mom's.


Well-Known Member
i always have plants hidden in tall grass and my dad always weedeats them it suck to becuse sometime that will be the only thing he weed eats and he's never notices them every one he chopped have been under 2 foot


Well-Known Member
I was caught growin on my parents roof back in the day.
I had 35 x 2footers up there and i was up there waterin alot,they saw that and yoink and into the garbage disposal they went.No warning,sudde death and then the ultimate talk.
Check me out now dad! HAha


Well-Known Member
I had /have respect for my parents house . I would never even think about it . My Dad would have kicked my ass till i was within an inch of death...


New Member
i got busted with about 10 or so on mom and dad's roof...i came in the front porch one day and they were all on the table!!!!
i was 15 at the time ....i'm 31 now.....that was my last day at home:-(
