Who has an experienced eye!


New Member
can somebody tell me how much this will roughly yield...my guess is an Ounce???First time grower.


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can somebody tell me how much this will roughly yield...my guess is an Ounce???First time grower.
Heres my stock answer....as a new grower you will not hit any magic number. You should be focused on keeping your plant alive until harvest. Then your focus has to be on drying and curing It without ruining it. Your first few grows should be about you dialing in your room and learning what to do when a problem happens. Once you do all of this then you can start thinking about yield. (But at this point yields will just happen)
Use my theoretical thoery formula

6^pound = weight

I've gone ahead and done the math for you. Comes out to about a pound.

In all seriousnes, don't know what you did to that plant. Next time head on the web and do some research, ask questions. I highly doubt that will get you more than a quarter if that....
can somebody tell me how much this will roughly yield...my guess is an Ounce???First time grower.
Cool looking weird buds.
The branches look like a plant that has been around for a long time before it was flowered. It doesn't look like a plant that was just started several months ago. It looks like a plant that was kept under low light and trimmed often. Probably flowered it under low light also.
How old is it?
Well just looking at this picture it looks like you hacked the shit out of her took everything off the lower half I get Loli popping but you raped this poor girl and in doing so looks to be the worst I have seen the buds are under developed and shocked and stopped forming IMO good luck on the next run you might get 13g dry