Who has a script for xanax?


Well-Known Member
How did you get it?

Is it possible to get online?

I know I can order it from Pakistan, but customs fucked over a $500 order and now I'm worried about going overseas for anything that isn't specifically illegal.


Well-Known Member
I get it the legal way from my psychiatrist :D

Yes you can get it online if you don't mind taking knock offs and risking customs snagging it.


Well-Known Member
I got mine easy from my general practitioner and told her I wasn't sleeping well. She gave me .5's then the next visit I told her they didnt seem to work at .5, which they didnt do much for me. She gave me a script for 2mg 4 hit logs after that. I only use them when I cant stay asleep, but usually 1mg dose does it for me. Just tell your doctor that you have used them in the past and they worked. I dont use them often so I have like 5 bottles still full ;)


Active Member
I got mine easy from my general practitioner and told her I wasn't sleeping well. She gave me .5's then the next visit I told her they didnt seem to work at .5, which they didnt do much for me. She gave me a script for 2mg 4 hit logs after that. I only use them when I cant stay asleep, but usually 1mg dose does it for me. Just tell your doctor that you have used them in the past and they worked. I dont use them often so I have like 5 bottles still full ;)
You sick fuck PM comming your way.



Well-Known Member
I fight to keep a script of 60mg a month, I needed an upgrade (colon pain out the ass so to speak, xans work well) and my doctor wasn't "confident" enough to upgrade my script . went to a shrink on his referral and got kicked the fuck out of the building, I have a appt with my regular doctor on the 15th and we WILL come to an understanding.
The way I got the script (3+ years ago)was I told my doctor I had found something online that worked for me. Told him there was an "online office call" with a doctor. They then send the xans (at street price). he says "hmmm, sounds like some illegal drug operation to me" , I'm like "really?" . so then he was called away about something, came back and told me yes he does prescribe xans at times, what do I want to do? he wanted to put me on lexapro and I had no interest so I told him straight up if he didn't write me the script I know where I can get them. he wrote me a weak 45mg a month, later I got him to up it to 60mg, so far that treats about half my problem . The one thing I've found with taking xans medicinally is it sure fucks up any recreational use after tolerance is built since it takes a 6mg dose just to get a buzz.
Don't forget the killer withdrawal... You thought the heroin was bad... Nobody ever died from not getting a shot of smack...


Well-Known Member
hmmm, killer withdrawal I do hear about a lot, I dropped them overnight for a couple months (had ativan as a crutch though, worthless drug) and it wasn't a problem, kinda like quitting smoking for me.