Who has a non GMO stevia cutting?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know its not weed? My wife has been searching for a stevia cutting. Anyone have one they are willing to share?


Well-Known Member
I never thought of growing it. Might be a great alternative to sugar but how much would you have to grow to get say a one pound bags worth?


Well-Known Member
I don't know? This is her project, I just promised to make sure it don't die? We are also gonna try sorghum grass. We have been trying to remove as much of the refined sugar from out life as possible. So any little skill helps. We also just started doing our own yogurt and maple syrup.


Active Member
I am not a suger expert, but i think it will take alot of Stevia leafs to get a pound of suger, You ever try Suger in the raw or sucanat, stuff taste really good.


Well-Known Member
Yep I use raw sugar now but like Taco, I want to replace my entire diet with whole, raw organic foods.


Well-Known Member
Ok, apparently it is about 300x stronger than regulars sweeteners. If you need a cup for a recipes you only need a pinch of ground leaves. I learn something new everyday.
As for Raw sugar. The brand name RAW turbinado sugar is really just refined sugar stuck back together and made look raw. If it says succanant that is actual raw sugar. Also try Agave nectar, coconut sugar, and honey. As for sugar withdrawl eat molasas, The leftovers from refining sugar are very very good for you!

I never thought of growing it. Might be a great alternative to sugar but how much would you have to grow to get say a one pound bags worth?


Well-Known Member
No idea where to get a cutting but I did see Stevia seeds in one of my catalogs this year...


Well-Known Member
I am on board with ya. Lost 20 lbs so far just from diet change. I like a little agave in my coffee and try to leave the white sugar alone now.


I am a commercial grower of stevia plants and consult on commercial plantations globally.

There is virtually no point in growing stevia plants at home except for decoration or if for some crazy reason you like the taste of raw stevia leaves (anis / liquorice).

Additionally, the chance of you acquiring a cutting (seeds have an extremely low germination %) that is of a high "sugar content" is very low. Odds are you would get your hands on a Chinese variety that was really use medicinally in teas.

If you want to cut sugar out of your diet head to a good grocer or health food store and purchase stevia powder, but beware, many of the cheaper ones are cut with aspartame, sucralose, rice powder, etc. Also, the cheaper the powder the higher the odds of having a poor aftertaste. Remember, insanely sweet so you only need a pinch in your coffee, etc.

If you are a soda drinker and want to cut it out, find Zevia in your better grocery stores.


Well-Known Member
I am a commercial grower of stevia plants and consult on commercial plantations globally.

There is virtually no point in growing stevia plants at home except for decoration or if for some crazy reason you like the taste of raw stevia leaves (anis / liquorice).

Additionally, the chance of you acquiring a cutting (seeds have an extremely low germination %) that is of a high "sugar content" is very low. Odds are you would get your hands on a Chinese variety that was really use medicinally in teas.

If you want to cut sugar out of your diet head to a good grocer or health food store and purchase stevia powder, but beware, many of the cheaper ones are cut with aspartame, sucralose, rice powder, etc. Also, the cheaper the powder the higher the odds of having a poor aftertaste. Remember, insanely sweet so you only need a pinch in your coffee, etc.

If you are a soda drinker and want to cut it out, find Zevia in your better grocery stores.
Interesting stuff. It seems you sign up here just to be discouraging. We are entire forum of growers. Being a commercial grower I can see where you would not want others to pick up your trade. I'm not disputing your information just not really buying it either. I'm sure its just like cannabis seed (which I doubt you grow many of) and if you research the varieties and go pheno hunting we would find what we want!

Second. Removing the sugar from out diet is important (thinking of this another handy houseplant for the kids). But removing out cash from commercial anything is priceless. Clearly there is some value in growing our own stevia, as you stated, you grow it commercially.

Hope this does not seem too rude. I only intended it to be a little rude.


Interesting stuff. It seems you sign up here just to be discouraging. We are entire forum of growers. Being a commercial grower I can see where you would not want others to pick up your trade. I'm not disputing your information just not really buying it either. I'm sure its just like cannabis seed (which I doubt you grow many of) and if you research the varieties and go pheno hunting we would find what we want!

Second. Removing the sugar from out diet is important (thinking of this another handy houseplant for the kids). But removing out cash from commercial anything is priceless. Clearly there is some value in growing our own stevia, as you stated, you grow it commercially.

Hope this does not seem too rude. I only intended it to be a little rude.

Really? Sign up to be discouraging? I signed up to save you time and frustration. YES, I actually went through that entire process for only that....as I don't care about cannabis growing.

There is a deficit of stevia leaves globally which is why it is in so few major commercial products. Over the next decade the industry needs to grow by 100 fold or more. The more large growers the better. Growing anything under 10 HA is useless unless you are part of a co-op then maybe a minimum of an acre would need to be grown. Also, it grows best +- 10 degrees off the equator, is perennial and doesn't survive winters with multiple days under -5 Celsius.

Seed has about 5% germination rate. We grow only from cuttings. Our original cuttings are from one of the largest stevia companies in the world, Purecircle.


Well-Known Member
Yep, just another line of bullshit from Big Stevia...always crushing the little man's dreams...